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Thread: Sometimes love sometimes horrible

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  1. #1
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    As we always say on here, you need to sort all money issues out before you marry as it causes the most problems.

    You say you don't have your own money, but also say you go drinking! So while he works hard all week to support you, you go and waste it on drink!

    Both parties make sacrifices in a marriage, my wife sacrificed her life in Singapore, and I was sacrificed by the wife
    Keith - Administrator

  2. #2
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    hmmm, why does it bother u that the house title is only in his name? and also u have the money to go out drinking and clubbing so i assume your husband is providing for you.

    we have to make sacrifices when we are married, we should try to be happy with what u have. be thankful that you have a husband who provides you with shelter, food and does not yell at you.

    maybe u can suggest that he gives u money each month, my husband does so i can do my own thing without having to bug him for money.

    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by maria_and_matt View Post
    hmmm, why does it bother u that the house title is only in his name? and also u have the money to go out drinking and clubbing so i assume your husband is providing for you.

    we have to make sacrifices when we are married, we should try to be happy with what u have. be thankful that you have a husband who provides you with shelter, food and does not yell at you.

    maybe u can suggest that he gives u money each month, my husband does so i can do my own thing without having to bug him for money.

    well he do give me money and sometimes send money in philippines but i have to ask which makes me feel so hard.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by sadly confuse View Post
    well he do give me money and sometimes send money in philippines but i have to ask which makes me feel so hard.
    I understand you 100% unto this, We filipinas as much as possible, doesn't like to ask money to our hubby. For me it's also hard to do as I live independently after my college years. That's why before I marry my hubby, I ask him if he will give me all his wages, just allowance or I will have my financial independent if I found a job.
    Anyway, always think you are more lucky than many wives I've met. You still have no baby so don't give up in haunting a job. Tell him to give you allowance until you got a job.

  5. #5
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    Red face hi

    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    As we always say on here, you need to sort all money issues out before you marry as it causes the most problems.

    You say you don't have your own money, but also say you go drinking! So while he works hard all week to support you, you go and waste it on drink!

    Both parties make sacrifices in a marriage, my wife sacrificed her life in Singapore, and I was sacrificed by the wife
    win 2 win thanks. i think i explain in a wrong word. i never waste money like going for a drink with hes money. what im just hoping is i miss my life before like going to a bar once in a while and really have fun . but im not that alcoholic..

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