Tawi ….. you are dead right …. wallowing in self pity.
Reality has now hit home for this silly little girl.
“Life” in the UK is not a bed of roses…. i’s work, stress, and effort just like everything else in life.
I’ll warrant a guess that when you met in the Philippines, you were not both going out drinking or partying, or disco-ing (such a word ?) every night.
I’ll warrant that that “personality” was kept under wraps… the nice girl who doesn’t drink, always home before 9.00pm.
I’ll also warrant that your man hasn’t changed ….. he’s still the steady, loving, caring guy that he always was.
The “deception” wasn’t on his part ……
Perhaps instead of feeling sorry for yourself, you should be more pro-active.
Why not enrol at an Adult Education course provided by the local authority ?
Why not volunteer to work in a charity shop ? … who knows, a real job might materialise thru it.
Both options offer the chance of meeting new friends.
,…… or is it the “excitement” of the new friends in the disco that interests you more ?
Grow up !