Quote Originally Posted by whiteraven View Post
i have to agree with everything you just said iain cameron is only telling people what they want to hear. kicking the disabled , single parents and capping public workers pay. yes we will have to pay the national debt and it will hurt all of us but no mention of silly private wages and bonuses or chasing the rich who avoid paying tax altogether by hiding their money in overseas banks. middle and working class (even though i dont like using class terms) will be the ones to pay not the public school fat cats

Seems like Cameron can't win can he? If he proposes this, he gets shot down for being all PR and no substance, if he proposes that, he gets accused of being a toff whose only concern is lining his own pockets. Your not really giving him a chance are you? Hope you enjoy 5 more years of this lying, deceitful and spinning Labour government.