I voted for Labour in the first two elections in the current administrations lifetime, didn't bother with the last as at the time I had just moved home and was not able to vote there.

This time I will make sure I can vote!

I cannot understand the notion of vote for the bad guy's because those other guys might be worse.. And any MP who tells me that loses my vote on the principle he or she has nothing to offer but excuses. As for the Tories, I am convinced they are as bad as the current Labour administration (if not worse). But at the same time Labour needs a good kick up the backside, Brown needs to retire to the Lords and Mandleson (finally) needs to go once and for all.

The current crop of Labour MPs we have are weak, corrupt apologists who would rather try and take a few more civil liberties away than do any real work to solve some of the problems of this country! The Tories are a bunch of Euro skeptic crazies who would sell their own mothers if it got them elected (But at least they have David Davies). And The Liberals couldn't wait to stab their greatest asset in the back when they found out he had a drink problem... Hmmmm...

Think this year I will stick my vote with the person I want as my MP!