Stitched up by the unions? When did they start passing legislation? They have never been over powerful and are organised from the top down by careerists who want to get pally with Labour in the hope of being given a cushy well paid part time job or a seat in the lords.
I don't support any party but as a former union activist (and full time official) if I had a penny for every time I heard 'we can't control the membership' I would be a rich man.
As for the Tories, any working person earning less than about £70,000 pa is a fool if they think the tories are their friends. They propose public spending cuts but not getting the money back from the finance industry who got us in to this mess and then wanted us to bail them out. I wonder why that is, perhaps because there are many tories on the banks boards and they don't want toupset ther friends. This is where most of the national debt is from.
Before you say Labour just look after the unions, if that was the case why did they not repeal all the anti trade union law introduced by the tories.