Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
By gum lad.....

Sound like "Red Robbo" and Scargill, all rolled into one.....

The country and its people have been stitched up by Labour and the unions from day one, and although you can see it, you will not admit it.
With respect Dom, I'm definately no Red Robbo or a Scargill, in fact I actually voted for Margaret Thatcher in 1979 because I was concerned about the trade unions holding the country to ransom. I am at heart neither a tory or a labour supporter because as I see it, the overall policies of both parties have flaws. But from past experience I don't believe the tories are capable of governing in the interests of all of the people and they and will, if elected, pander to the extreme right wingers in their midst and structure the tax and benefits system in the UK to please only those they see as their natural true blue tory supporters.

The only reason I would choose the labour party over the conservatives is because their leanings are not as extreme as the conservative party. If the labour party had been the opposite extreme of the tory party, then during the past 12 years they would have sqeezed the rich until the pips squeaked as one 60's or 70's labour politician once famously said he would like to do.

I think you ought to look at the tories very closely and decide whether your just a natural tory supporter who could never find flaws in anything they propose or if you're a free thinker and are prepared to question their policies and look at both sides of every issue before you make up your mind.
