Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post

I think you ought to look at the tories very closely and decide whether your just a natural tory supporter who could never find flaws in anything they propose or if you're a free thinker and are prepared to question their policies and look at both sides of every issue before you make up your mind.

First of all, I am not a British Citizen and as such I am not allowed to vote.
I consider myself an outsider looking in....
But an outsider with the right to criticize, a right earned by paying taxes, even if unjust, for over 35 years and a non-existent pension.....

During my time here,I have witnessed a once "Great" Britain slide down in status to just "Britain", and very soon, thanks to Labour, it will be just part of the US of Europe, a non entity.

Don't start me off.................