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Thread: My first trip to the Philippines

  1. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimOttley View Post
    Airport rates at NAIA are about 5 peso off the quoted rate for the day just now i.e. 70 peso to the pound will get you 65 peso to the pound. Most good family run money changers would give you 68 peso on the same day.

    Money changers in Makati or in any entertainment district will be more likely to give you a tourist rate, anywhere off the beaten track will be pretty fair.

    Northerner was I think asking if he should transfer all his cash direct from the UK which is better than the rate you will get changing cash in the UK but is not as good as changing cash in the Phils, obviously safer though.

    My experience with money changers was different to yours, Jim.
    But that is what makes this forum tick

  2. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    If iwas you make sure on your first journy you have some cash in your pocket I think technical you can bring 10 thousand in pesos in to the country. Ideal to have. You never know how you will feel after the journy seen some total wrecks on the plane with nerves about meeting up ,other people calm as a cucumber yet its there first journey over (learned from a quick convo)

    The first time i went i was so glad i had some local currency in my pocket.

    Also is it wise putting all your cash in one account? with one card?
    I don't think they care how much you bring in as peso there are declaration limits such as 10,000 dollars equivalent where you must declare to customs on the way in but the 10,000 peso limit is on what you take out the country

    That's why you should never change it all in one go as that way you have to spend it all until you have 10,000 peso left sometimes I've actually come home with UK money in my pocket

    Not often though


  3. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post

    Also is it wise putting all your cash in one account? with one card?
    True... So perhaps it is best to take a small amount of cash and leave some in the bank. And also make sure some finds its way into Rizza's bank account. Say £400 in each account, then use them as we go

  4. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    My experience with money changers was different to yours, Jim.
    But that is what makes this forum tick
    Fair point, I was lucky for two and half years we had a great money changer on the ground floor, last couple of trips at Christmas and in March I had to change a little in NAIA as it was a weekend and I was not going to be able to get to a money changer easily before the Monday and it really cost me in NAIA :(

    My comments are based on five years experience and sixteen trips but maybe I've just been lucky, there are after all thousands of money changers in the Phils

    Main thing is always to be aware of the current international exchange rate then you can make the decision on the ground as to what is good value.


  5. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    True... So perhaps it is best to take a small amount of cash and leave some in the bank. And also make sure some finds its way into Rizza's bank account. Say £400 in each account, then use them as we go
    Yes that is a good strategy!


  6. #96
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    my wife ae always found the best money changers and i have never had a problem..maybe having her as a guide helps?
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  7. #97
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    I made sure I had the money in my wallet before I went. I just had no idea if International money is reliable there. You can never tell with ATM, power or banks in Philippines. I remember the 2nd time I went, I tried to withdraw money from Philippines ATM. Denied, from my own bank. Basically, a machine in the UK, searches for fraud and Philippines is a black-listed country. Ensure you tell you bank, credit card companies what dates you are going,so they know.

    Another point to note. I was going to get some money in the UK from the high street from good source. M&S money. You may try them.
    It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.

  8. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
    I made sure I had the money in my wallet before I went. I just had no idea if International money is reliable there. You can never tell with ATM, power or banks in Philippines. I remember the 2nd time I went, I tried to withdraw money from Philippines ATM. Denied, from my own bank. Basically, a machine in the UK, searches for fraud and Philippines is a black-listed country. Ensure you tell you bank, credit card companies what dates you are going,so they know.

    Another point to note. I was going to get some money in the UK from the high street from good source. M&S money. You may try them.
    66.44 pesos to the £

    And it was only a couple of months ago when it was sliding around 80 pesos....

  9. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post

    Another point to note. I was going to get some money in the UK from the high street from good source. M&S money. You may try them.
    Looks like a contender for Rip Off Britain they are better at flogging overpriced sandwiches and sweatshop produced clothing have a look at

    On the Euro Marks & 'Spensive 1.025 untold others 5 percent better at 1.072

  10. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
    I made sure I had the money in my wallet before I went. I just had no idea if International money is reliable there. You can never tell with ATM, power or banks in Philippines. I remember the 2nd time I went, I tried to withdraw money from Philippines ATM. Denied, from my own bank. Basically, a machine in the UK, searches for fraud and Philippines is a black-listed country. Ensure you tell you bank, credit card companies what dates you are going,so they know.

    Another point to note. I was going to get some money in the UK from the high street from good source. M&S money. You may try them.
    As Northerner is going south, my advice is perhaps not so applicable as most of my experience is based around places in Luzon.

    You are right about the UK banks and they will pull this crud even if you have told them where you are and on what dates, sometimes though the refusal is not a result of the problems on the UK systems but just communication problems in the Phils network, problem is it costs a fortune to call them to sort it out :(

    Regards M&S they are offering 8 peso less than the published exchange rate today, that's a 10% charge most good places over there would offer 6 peso better unless everything has changed in the last 6 months!

    You need to have some confidence that you can fix problems when you are there and Northerner's idea of splitting between cash, UK card and Phils card is the best option in my view.

    I'm assuming Rizza has access to private internet i.e. internet at home as you don't want to do any personal banking from an internet cafe unless they let you plug in your own laptop and you know you have a good firewall. (beware key loggers!)

    If she does have private internet or you can get a cafe that lets you plug in your own laptop then you can always do additional transfers from the UK via the likes of Xoom.

    There are always ways to manage, you just have to think hard about where you are and what the problems might be.

    I hope you are lucky mate and things are a lot cheaper in the south, Manila is not that cheap these days especially with the decline in the pound :(


  11. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    66.44 pesos to the £

    And it was only a couple of months ago when it was sliding around 80 pesos....
    At that time M&S would have been around 72 peso.


  12. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimOttley View Post
    At that time M&S would have been around 72 peso.


    M & S generate most of their profits from people with the word MUG tattooed on their forehead

  13. #103
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    I would recommend loading your mahal card with some cash, that would come in handy too. If she has access to a PNB global Filipino card, it can have peso on it easily. And you can send remittance on it from a fee of £5 only. That could be an option before you go. Bare that in mind.

    Also , since you like your cereals, I was the same, I missed my regular one first thing in morning! Nestle are king in the Philippines, so there's no Kellogg for ya. Milk is fine I would recommend the New Zealand stuff though. I had Chinese milk as used by cosmonauts. Yuck, tasted like wallpaper paste. Never again.

    Also if you can get Fiji apples, they are the best on earth. I wish I can get those again.
    It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.

  14. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
    Also , since you like your cereals, I was the same, I missed my regular one first thing in morning! Nestle are king in the Philippines, so there's no Kellogg for ya. Milk is fine I would recommend the New Zealand stuff though. I had Chinese milk as used by cosmonauts. Yuck, tasted like wallpaper paste. Never again.
    Or I could use a carton of milo

  15. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    Or I could use a carton of milo
    For the most part the milk is awful, I know these are personal opinions but you just won't get anything like what you get in the UK.

    UHT can be almost acceptable but as Gary says the Nestle empire rules and most their stuff is horrible :(

    My son James loves Chuckie which is I think the equivalent of milo although until you mentioned it I had never heard of it


  16. #106
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    Or I could use a carton of milo
    Oh yeah. C2 you will drink alot of. Its quite nice. Iced tea various flavour. heres an example of the stuff you buy in shops. EXACTLY:

    This place is ridiculous expensive, but I only use it to look at the products. Remind myself whats out there.

    For some strange reason, they got Campbell soup all the way oot there?
    It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.

  17. #107
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    Tried milo in Thailand Figured it would be better than a vodka at the time!

  18. #108
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    bring cash... at least 800 pounds and try to work around that budget... if you feel there is a need to spend more, then you can withdraw from your ATM, but call your bank when you do... there are loads of decent money changers in Cebu... if you feel it isn't safe, go to SM Cebu's customer service.. they have money changing there.. or to a money changer in malls...

    whenever my bf visits, i prepare and excel sheet of estimated cost on a per day basis.. with the activities/itinerary... with that, bf has a ballpark figure of how much cash he brings...

  19. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    I guess no matter where you go these days you need to fill out those entry cards. So long as I get them on the flight it will save me a lot of bother!

    As for the cash question... Well, now I think I might just exchange about £200 over here (or rather in the airport in Manila), then do the rest in the smaller places mentioned.
    Hi Northerner!

    I'm from cebu as well. Me & my husband used to go to Mail&More-Ayala, they got the best exchange rates as we have tried comparing money changers rates before deciding to exhange especially large amount of money. I think Rizza knows where that is.

    Good Luck!
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  20. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by Florge View Post
    bring cash... at least 800 pounds and try to work around that budget... if you feel there is a need to spend more, then you can withdraw from your ATM, but call your bank when you do... there are loads of decent money changers in Cebu... if you feel it isn't safe, go to SM Cebu's customer service.. they have money changing there.. or to a money changer in malls...

    whenever my bf visits, i prepare and excel sheet of estimated cost on a per day basis.. with the activities/itinerary... with that, bf has a ballpark figure of how much cash he brings...
    Hmmm.. I like the spreadsheet idea This was why I thought of putting cash in Rizza's account so we can use the ATM without the need to be on guard most the time with £££ in a money belt.

    Quote Originally Posted by islander View Post
    Hi Northerner!

    I'm from cebu as well. Me & my husband used to go to Mail&More-Ayala, they got the best exchange rates as we have tried comparing money changers rates before deciding to exhange especially large amount of money. I think Rizza knows where that is.

    Good Luck!
    Thanks Islander I plan to head into Ayala on myfirst day to pick up essentials (toothpaste, few clothes and stuff). Might just pop by that place too.

  21. #111
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    One thing to remember for all of us:

    If anyone is in a very small town or village in the provinces, there is a good chance they will not be able to change £ (English Pounds Sterling).

    However, the $ (US Dollar) seems to be easy to change almost anywhere.

    This really applies to people who like to get off the beaten track.

  22. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    One thing to remember for all of us:

    If anyone is in a very small town or village in the provinces, there is a good chance they will not be able to change £ (English Pounds Sterling).

    However, the $ (US Dollar) seems to be easy to change almost anywhere.

    This really applies to people who like to get off the beaten track.
    Very good point!


  23. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    One thing to remember for all of us:

    If anyone is in a very small town or village in the provinces, there is a good chance they will not be able to change £ (English Pounds Sterling).

    However, the $ (US Dollar) seems to be easy to change almost anywhere.

    This really applies to people who like to get off the beaten track.
    Hmmm.. Oh, I doubt I will be trying to change sterling in Barili Otherwise, I think you'd be right and I'd be stuck...

  24. #114
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    I left a guard 1 pound Scottish note to tip. I wonder how much he will get for it.
    It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.

  25. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
    I left a guard 1 pound Scottish note to tip. I wonder how much he will get for it.
    Well, not much I would have thought, but who knows

    I once gave a Thai cabbie a £5 note as his ceiling was covered in various notes from all the countries his customers came from.. Oh, and he was also a policeman, so I think I might have bribed a policeman

  26. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    Well, not much I would have thought, but who knows

    I once gave a Thai cabbie a £5 note as his ceiling was covered in various notes from all the countries his customers came from.. Oh, and he was also a policeman, so I think I might have bribed a policeman
    A cabbie and a policeman. So what happens, if you pay him the fare not to go to jail, and ask him to drive you home, does he do that instead of arresting you
    It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.

  27. #117
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    10 days till my flight

  28. #118
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    3 days till mine starting to cack it a bit myself now haha but at the same time very excited

    Have a good trip Sean Let us all know how you get on mate

  29. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
    A cabbie and a policeman. So what happens, if you pay him the fare not to go to jail, and ask him to drive you home, does he do that instead of arresting you
    I once had to pay the Taxi fare for myself and two arresting officers who were escorting me from a police station to a courthouse,luckily my offence was only a minor pecadillo and I walked out a free man but the coppers werent so happy that I refused to pay the fare back to their station

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
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  30. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    20 days till I make my way to Manchester Airport to take that long journey around the world to see my mahal! And now the nerves are kicking in.

    I think it has been mentioned here before many times by various guys who went through what I am about to do, the moment leading up to meeting one another in person for the first time. Nervous as hell, but looking forward to it like a kid awaiting his birthday (wait, it will be my birthday )..

    And so I plod along, trying to numb the nerves with overtime at work. Boy the next 20 days can't pass quick enough.

    And still need to get some anti malaria tablets...
    forget not your thread about to avoid the .....

    Hope youll have a good time with your mahal and best of everything..
    If it's not life threatening IGNORE it .. .

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