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    My first trip to the Philippines

    20 days till I make my way to Manchester Airport to take that long journey around the world to see my mahal! And now the nerves are kicking in.

    I think it has been mentioned here before many times by various guys who went through what I am about to do, the moment leading up to meeting one another in person for the first time. Nervous as hell, but looking forward to it like a kid awaiting his birthday (wait, it will be my birthday )..

    And so I plod along, trying to numb the nerves with overtime at work. Boy the next 20 days can't pass quick enough.

    And still need to get some anti malaria tablets...

  2. #2
    Respected Member whiteraven's Avatar
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    been there done that, when you do finally meet you will wonder what you were worrying about in the first place. i hope your first meeting is as rewarding as mine

  3. #3
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    Your nervous now?? Wait till that plane touches down! lol That was when it really hit me. Like Whiteraven says you'll soon be wondering what all the nerves were about.

    Are malaria tablets necessary? I've never taken them as I've heard the side effects can be pretty bad (voices in your head, hair falling out). I guess it depends which parts your visiting?

  4. #4
    Respected Member whiteraven's Avatar
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    hair falling out isnt a problem with me i didnt bother with anti malaria either as davao is low risk.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by whiteraven View Post
    hair falling out isnt a problem with me i didnt bother with anti malaria either as davao is low risk.
    I have a full head of hair, but the voices in my head wouldn't be anything new As it's Davao I'm going to in just under 2 weeks, that's good to know there's very little risk.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikemallorca View Post
    When you arrive in Ninoy Aquino Airport, you will have the biggest culture shock of you live. Manila has the worst international airport in Asia. They have built a new one that has been standing empty for 5 years, because of corruption charges and bad construction , but once you get to Davo, its different... All i can say is be on your guard, dont be a stupid tourist, and take nothing at face value...A life is cheap in the philippines , and people are desperate, as soon as they see a foreigner , to them its money money.. So be very aware, dont let your parts below the waist take over from your brain. i f you know what i mean
    are you referring to terminal 3? we're already using it... for like.. 3 years now I think...

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Florge View Post
    are you referring to terminal 3? we're already using it... for like.. 3 years now I think...
    It's being used but only since July last year - so just over a year.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Florge View Post
    are you referring to terminal 3? we're already using it... for like.. 3 years now I think...
    More like 18 months but only for internal flights so far I think.


  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikemallorca View Post
    When you arrive in Ninoy Aquino Airport, you will have the biggest culture shock of you live. Manila has the worst international airport in Asia. They have built a new one that has been standing empty for 5 years, because of corruption charges and bad construction , but once you get to Davo, its different... All i can say is be on your guard, dont be a stupid tourist, and take nothing at face value...A life is cheap in the philippines , and people are desperate, as soon as they see a foreigner , to them its money money.. So be very aware, dont let your parts below the waist take over from your brain. i f you know what i mean


    What Mike says is very true. It cuts in every sphere in life in the Phils (especially in cities like manila, cebu, davao) ...

    It's not to do with ladies of the night. Just don't trust anyone this time around . . . no matter how good of a feeling you get about what ppl say about you.

    Remember this (From someone who lives in the philippines - now for a year)


    You as a Foreigner stick out like a sore thumb. Everybody will be hitting you up for money. No joke. It's just as bad as everyone says, maybe moreso some days. You must ALWAYS watch your back.

    Also, a few years ago when I first came to Philippines, a friend advised me ... do not throw around your money. Even with your gf/fiancee, because people here have the idea that ALL foreigners are by birthright rich, and that they deserve for you to ...

    I have lived in the same city for a year, yet, when I walk into a shop and see dollar signs in pplz eyes. Even though i'm tihik (that's deep bisaya word your gf can translate).

    All I'm saying is this, be very very cautious.

    Also, no malaria in Philippines. Some lamok (mosquitoes) carry Dengue flu, but there's not much you can take to prevent that ... also no need to worry about yellow fever meds as you're coming from the UK.

    Usually, the worst a mosq can do is make you itch for 3 days to a week ...

    Tell your girlfriend to buy some "Off Lotion" ... it works a treat. Apply it every 8 hours and you're sound as a pound ...

    after a cpl weeks you don't need it anymore

    Jim Hub

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikemallorca View Post
    ... All i can say is be on your guard, dont be a stupid tourist, and take nothing at face value...A life is cheap in the philippines , and people are desperate, as soon as they see a foreigner , to them its money money.. So be very aware, dont let your parts below the waist take over from your brain. i f you know what i mean

  11. #11
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    Thanks Mike, I have been before, which is just as well. If it was the first time I may have been put off by your advice

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    20 days till I make my way to Manchester Airport to take that long journey around the world to see my mahal! And now the nerves are kicking in. ...............

    ............And still need to get some anti malaria tablets...
    Not sure about malaria tablets but better safe than sorry eh?

    If I may advise, insect repellent lotion should come handy too. In our experience, mosquitoes seem to love foreign blood more.

    Have a wonderful holiday!
    When in doubt, mumble.

  13. #13
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    Goodluck to your trip Northerner, but I don't think you really need to take your Malaria tablets.
    My husband took some and he never used it. The side effect is bad if you take it if no mosquitoes carrying malaria.
    Just take more chockies for her.

  14. #14
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    Whiteraven & Triple5.. I guess you guys know what I mean.......

    MikeMallorca. Trust me, I'm going nowhere near the ladies of the night

    Monleyface. Yeah, I will take along some super strength insect repellant. Think I'll need it for the ALTA resort

    Pennybarry. Thanks.. Oh, the chocolates have already been planned.. Galaxy bars are a definite.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    Monleyface. Yeah, I will take along some super strength insect repellant. Think I'll need it for the ALTA resort
    That place looks really nice. I haven't been to Cebu yet. I'm planning a getaway there and that is in the list I'm planning to go to now. Thanks.
    When in doubt, mumble.

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    Once I am there I will send a report back to say how it was..

  17. #17
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    It's not as scary as it seems, relax have a few drinks on the plane. Terminal 1 at Manila is a bit different, but despite a queue the immigration will be easy, you'll maybe have you bags checked, and then outside to see your mahal!
    Just relax a little and try and be comfortable as can be, and let your mahal do all the negotiating etc, its easier that way :-) Where abouts are you going?

  18. #18
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    Oh yes and Terminal 3 is great (not abandoned), but is exclusively Cebu Pacific. It really is a first world terminal.

  19. #19
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    Good advice James. I've only been to Davao for 2 weeks, but spent 3 years in Thailand, and guess the mentality is the same. White face = moneybags.

    I always make a point of not being flash with the cash. In fact, it didn't go down too well when the lady I met there last time invited 12 of her family to dinner with us at the last moment and I only had enough in my wallet for the 2 of us

    If you're not careful you can grow resentful after awhile and begin thinking that all the smiles and friendliness is fake and they're just after your cash. Which, of course, isn't true. Thais and Filipinos are genuinely friendly. When that kind of paranoia starts creeping in, though, it can be a lonely experience. That's why you see a lot of bitter sad-looking old expats in these countries. Most of the expats I met in Thailand who had been there more than 20 years despised the Thais and were so distrusting of them. But by then they've burned there bridges back home so they're kind of stuck there.

    Anyways, Northerner's got his head screwed on and you can tell he's done his homework. He'll be fine

  20. #20
    Respected Member whiteraven's Avatar
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    it does get some getting used to being stared at wherever you go but i didnt take much notice after a bit of advice dont give beggars any money however sorry you may feel for them or you will get swamped

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by whiteraven View Post
    it does get some getting used to being stared at wherever you go but i didnt take much notice after a bit of advice dont give beggars any money however sorry you may feel for them or you will get swamped
    I always give kids cash,I cant help it,I was in Cebu once and saw two kids who I took to be siblings begging,I gave them 100 pesos hoping they werent going to spend it on rugby,I passed that way 20 minutes later they were sitting in the doorway eating fish BBQ,they gave me the international thumbs-up signAt the time the exchange rate was 106 or 108?to the pound,so all I had given them was a quid,didnt mean much to me but an awful lot to the recipients

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  22. #22
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    If your ever in Manila freddy does or rather used to do(maybe still does)stints in LA Cafe(I feel old,remember when it used to be called the infamous Rosies Diner),listen to the lyrics,everyone needs a little help when they are down,we are lucky in this country,we have a cradle-grave social safety-net,pinas doesnt have that luxury,I couldnt walk past a hungry kid,my conscience wouldnt allow it

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    I always give kids cash,I cant help it,I was in Cebu once and saw two kids who I took to be siblings begging,I gave them 100 pesos hoping they werent going to spend it on rugby,I passed that way 20 minutes later they were sitting in the doorway eating fish BBQ,they gave me the international thumbs-up signAt the time the exchange rate was 106 or 108?to the pound,so all I had given them was a quid,didnt mean much to me but an awful lot to the recipients
    I always give kids cash too but we did that in Cebu once against the advice of our taxi driver and suffered the most aggressive begging I have ever seen anywhere :(

    No joke 20 to 30 children swarmed around us pulling at us, hands out, no way we had enough for all of them, Ana was trying to stop them and get them to be fair and reasonable, really horrendous experience, we basically had to run away, never had as bad an experience anywhere in Manila.

    I'm sure you will be fine Northerner but as others say just stay alert and anyway you've still got three weeks we will all be going through all this again with you in two


  24. #24
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    Good trip to you lad!

    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    20 days till I make my way to Manchester Airport to take that long journey around the world to see my mahal! And now the nerves are kicking in.

    I think it has been mentioned here before many times by various guys who went through what I am about to do, the moment leading up to meeting one another in person for the first time. Nervous as hell, but looking forward to it like a kid awaiting his birthday (wait, it will be my birthday )..

    And so I plod along, trying to numb the nerves with overtime at work. Boy the next 20 days can't pass quick enough.

    And still need to get some anti malaria tablets...
    Ya I went on February 14th. And February 20th is also my birthday, so double celebrations!!

    You will be fine. I suggest you look over the guide on-site about Manila airport. When you come out of the airport, your mahal will be hidden from you behind the gates,so she can be hard to spot.

    I suggest you get a the important jab from your local GP.

    Tetanus was given to me with the Diphtheria in the same jab. This was a booster. You may be different. Ask.

    Malaria- Note- If you are on any anti-epileptic drugs you have to be careful with Malaria jabs. No Quinine derivatives are allowed because of side-affects.

    Drugs are Malarone, Doxycycline or Lariam. The tablets are a bit yucky though and leave coating on the tongue. I did not like them.

    First thing that hits you when you walk out of the airport is the heat, it is like walking into a oven.

    I know when I first met Jessica, I heard a voice say Hello Love, I look around for who said that? nothing. Then I look down and see her.

    On a personal note- trust me, you will need lots of water and CR paper
    In your wallet. do not carry more than any more than 1000. That's pretty much what you need. But if you are in Manila that will rise to 5000. Jeepney's are 7.50. Unless they risen in price.

    Take a little first aid kit with you. I did not realise I would use it antiseptic cream, plasters(never know you can get cut in yer feet) Imodium re hydration salts, and I also got some cheap HOT LEMON for a cold. Jessica got that.

    You got any decent sandals yet? here ya go:

    Oh another thing I remember. I managed to get a thing out of BOOTS called MOSQUITO cloth. It was a nice big cloth with insecticide on it, which you rub on your skin, and the little fliers hate it. It was useful for wiping my brow too. I was suggest you get one. I do not know it they have them at Boots.
    It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.

  25. #25
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    good luck you will be fine.1 year ago it was the same for me my first trip (davao)i was thinking what if she don't like me,will i get malaria etc was fantastic had drinks on plane tired but once i stepped out of airport to meet her it was wonderful.don't over think it it's a lot easier than you imagine.i would not use anti malaria tablets,unless you in jungle area they can cause problems as described.i wish i was going this month again!
    have a great time

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    20 days till I make my way to Manchester Airport to take that long journey around the world to see my mahal! And now the nerves are kicking in.

    I think it has been mentioned here before many times by various guys who went through what I am about to do, the moment leading up to meeting one another in person for the first time. Nervous as hell, but looking forward to it like a kid awaiting his birthday (wait, it will be my birthday )..

    And so I plod along, trying to numb the nerves with overtime at work. Boy the next 20 days can't pass quick enough.

    And still need to get some anti malaria tablets...

    Hi northerner!

    Good Luck & Enjoy each other's company!

    Btw, with regards to mosquitoes, my husband has a good strategy to that, he used to put both OFF lotion & insect repellant spray coz as what he said, "if one doesn't work, there's still other one on" I think it work well on him, not on his first visit though. hehehe!
    with a heart full of love, you will express your highest potential while also fulfilling your soul's deepest purpose:

  27. #27
    Respected Member lizaphil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    20 days till I make my way to Manchester Airport to take that long journey around the world to see my mahal! And now the nerves are kicking in.

    I think it has been mentioned here before many times by various guys who went through what I am about to do, the moment leading up to meeting one another in person for the first time. Nervous as hell, but looking forward to it like a kid awaiting his birthday (wait, it will be my birthday )..

    And so I plod along, trying to numb the nerves with overtime at work. Boy the next 20 days can't pass quick enough.

    And still need to get some anti malaria tablets...
    hello northener,dont worry about mosquitoes just put loads of off lotion
    that is anti mosquitoes you can buy any of the pharmacy in the philipines

  28. #28
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    That also happened to me earlier this year in Fuente outside Robinsons Jim,I gave a small boy 100 pesos(he had a cheeky grin,funny kid)suddenly I was swamped by a shedload of bairns

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    That also happened to me earlier this year in Fuente outside Robinsons Jim,I gave a small boy 100 pesos(he had a cheeky grin,funny kid)suddenly I was swamped by a shedload of bairns
    Don't really know Cebu very well Tawi, only been there once, it happened to us at the Santo Nino Basilica next to Magellan's Cross, trouble is it was breaking my heart that I could not help them at the same time that I was getting really upset at the behaviour :(


  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    That also happened to me earlier this year in Fuente outside Robinsons Jim,I gave a small boy 100 pesos(he had a cheeky grin,funny kid)suddenly I was swamped by a shedload of bairns
    I could do with the excercise

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