Hello everyone.
I’ll begin by saying I stumbled onto this fantastic website two days ago, and it makes fascinating reading..thanks to everyone who’s posted and has given advice, I look forward to making new friends...
Anyway I really need some first class advice myself, I’ve met this Filipino lady on a dating website about a week ago now, and we’re just getting to know one another, nothing to serious yet mind but we’re getting on great, so I thought I might as well as do a spot of research now, while we’re in the infancy of our relationship, so I’ll be better prepared further down the line if we want to be together.
The thing is, I know nothing about immigration at all, I don’t know the first thing, I just wouldn’t know where to begin...I’m self employed myself, but I’m on a low income, so I receive working tax credit off the government to top up my wage, I have my own place, well I say place, it’s a council home, but the rent is paid on time, so I can provide a permanent place to stay if she comes to live with me...
So my questions are as follows!!!
1: how much income do I legally need to be able to support my girlfriend here in UK, I haven’t got any payslips as I work alone and I don't give myself wageslips, what other forms of information would I need?
2: Would it be better travelling over to the Philippines to get married,? and is it possible to get married in a registry office in the Philippines? or is the UK a better option?
3: Can she get a job here in UK if we’re married as soon as she comes over, she wants to know this as she works now, she likes to work, and she seems ashamed to take any money off me.....
4: I know I have to travel over there to meet her, but to impress immigration should I consider going to see her more than once, or is once sufficient enough for immigration, I really don’t know this...
5: do I need money in the bank to be able to support her whilst she’s here with me? If so how much is necessary?
Right if somebody could answer my questions and maybe do a bit of a step by step guide as to what to do and in what order, I would be eternally grateful.
Thanks Paul...