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  1. #1
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    Help for a novice

    Hello everyone.

    I’ll begin by saying I stumbled onto this fantastic website two days ago, and it makes fascinating reading..thanks to everyone who’s posted and has given advice, I look forward to making new friends...

    Anyway I really need some first class advice myself, I’ve met this Filipino lady on a dating website about a week ago now, and we’re just getting to know one another, nothing to serious yet mind but we’re getting on great, so I thought I might as well as do a spot of research now, while we’re in the infancy of our relationship, so I’ll be better prepared further down the line if we want to be together.

    The thing is, I know nothing about immigration at all, I don’t know the first thing, I just wouldn’t know where to begin...I’m self employed myself, but I’m on a low income, so I receive working tax credit off the government to top up my wage, I have my own place, well I say place, it’s a council home, but the rent is paid on time, so I can provide a permanent place to stay if she comes to live with me...

    So my questions are as follows!!!

    1: how much income do I legally need to be able to support my girlfriend here in UK, I haven’t got any payslips as I work alone and I don't give myself wageslips, what other forms of information would I need?

    2: Would it be better travelling over to the Philippines to get married,? and is it possible to get married in a registry office in the Philippines? or is the UK a better option?

    3: Can she get a job here in UK if we’re married as soon as she comes over, she wants to know this as she works now, she likes to work, and she seems ashamed to take any money off me.....

    4: I know I have to travel over there to meet her, but to impress immigration should I consider going to see her more than once, or is once sufficient enough for immigration, I really don’t know this...

    5: do I need money in the bank to be able to support her whilst she’s here with me? If so how much is necessary?

    Right if somebody could answer my questions and maybe do a bit of a step by step guide as to what to do and in what order, I would be eternally grateful.

    Thanks Paul...

  2. #2
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paul1970 View Post
    Hello everyone.

    I’ll begin by saying I stumbled onto this fantastic website two days ago, and it makes fascinating reading..thanks to everyone who’s posted and has given advice, I look forward to making new friends...

    Anyway I really need some first class advice myself, I’ve met this Filipino lady on a dating website about a week ago now, and we’re just getting to know one another, nothing to serious yet mind but we’re getting on great, so I thought I might as well as do a spot of research now, while we’re in the infancy of our relationship, so I’ll be better prepared further down the line if we want to be together.

    The thing is, I know nothing about immigration at all, I don’t know the first thing, I just wouldn’t know where to begin...I’m self employed myself, but I’m on a low income, so I receive working tax credit off the government to top up my wage, I have my own place, well I say place, it’s a council home, but the rent is paid on time, so I can provide a permanent place to stay if she comes to live with me...

    So my questions are as follows!!!

    1: how much income do I legally need to be able to support my girlfriend here in UK, I haven’t got any payslips as I work alone and I don't give myself wageslips, what other forms of information would I need?

    2: Would it be better travelling over to the Philippines to get married,? and is it possible to get married in a registry office in the Philippines? or is the UK a better option?

    3: Can she get a job here in UK if we’re married as soon as she comes over, she wants to know this as she works now, she likes to work, and she seems ashamed to take any money off me.....

    4: I know I have to travel over there to meet her, but to impress immigration should I consider going to see her more than once, or is once sufficient enough for immigration, I really don’t know this...

    5: do I need money in the bank to be able to support her whilst she’s here with me? If so how much is necessary?

    Right if somebody could answer my questions and maybe do a bit of a step by step guide as to what to do and in what order, I would be eternally grateful.

    Thanks Paul...
    Hiya Paul well my names somebody so hopefuly i can answer your questions and im sure others will chip in as well

    Your doing the right thing researching what you may or may need to do.

    1. There is no set income you must have there was reson post where Joe another manc like you mentions you need to show you have enough to support her from your income a month. As well as the criteria its just common sense as how else would you both cope if you didn't have the spare money.

    2. Where you wish to get married will depend on the tow of you's indivdual choice and of course circumstances. The school of thought on here is its only fair to your Mahal you marry in phill so her family can attend and if yours can afford to they can simply book a holiday as any trip up to 21 days does not require a visa. While its easier to get blood out of a stone than for you to get visas for a whole family of phills to come to a wedding in the UK plus most could not afford it

    3. If she is married and comes on a spouse visa yes she can work the second she is though passport control in theory. But she will most liekly take a while to adjust to the climate, surroundings and take in whats happening trust me.

    4. For your own sake and your mahals you really need to meet on a couple of occasions. People have met once and then the lady come over as a finacee but lets put it one way most people dont however desperate to be together.

    4. 2000-3000 grand is the rough estimate and is probably what you would need to help someone if they just moved over settle. Plus dont forget with in two years you need to find a minimum of 700 pounds or so for ILR as a spouse VIsa is only valid normally for two years.

    Have a read of Petes website and just read and read its all been mentioned before and if it has not then ask.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  3. #3
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    thank you very much my friend, you've been most helpful...

  4. #4
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    just try searching the forum and most of what you have asked as already been answered ...and keep reading the forum as you will get many good tips!
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  5. #5
    Member ViesVies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paul1970 View Post
    Hello everyone.

    I’ll begin by saying I stumbled onto this fantastic website two days ago, and it makes fascinating reading..thanks to everyone who’s posted and has given advice, I look forward to making new friends...

    Anyway I really need some first class advice myself, I’ve met this Filipino lady on a dating website about a week ago now, and we’re just getting to know one another, nothing to serious yet mind but we’re getting on great, so I thought I might as well as do a spot of research now, while we’re in the infancy of our relationship, so I’ll be better prepared further down the line if we want to be together.

    The thing is, I know nothing about immigration at all, I don’t know the first thing, I just wouldn’t know where to begin...I’m self employed myself, but I’m on a low income, so I receive working tax credit off the government to top up my wage, I have my own place, well I say place, it’s a council home, but the rent is paid on time, so I can provide a permanent place to stay if she comes to live with me...

    So my questions are as follows!!!

    1: how much income do I legally need to be able to support my girlfriend here in UK, I haven’t got any payslips as I work alone and I don't give myself wageslips, what other forms of information would I need?

    2: Would it be better travelling over to the Philippines to get married,? and is it possible to get married in a registry office in the Philippines? or is the UK a better option?

    3: Can she get a job here in UK if we’re married as soon as she comes over, she wants to know this as she works now, she likes to work, and she seems ashamed to take any money off me.....

    4: I know I have to travel over there to meet her, but to impress immigration should I consider going to see her more than once, or is once sufficient enough for immigration, I really don’t know this...

    5: do I need money in the bank to be able to support her whilst she’s here with me? If so how much is necessary?

    Right if somebody could answer my questions and maybe do a bit of a step by step guide as to what to do and in what order, I would be eternally grateful.

    Thanks Paul...
    Hi Paul
    I met my husband earlier this year, he got redundant from work which was a blessing for it enabled him to come and see me, before he arrived he got cni paper from local register office, it took 21 days, he needed a new passport and then a visa because he stayed longer than 21 days. I got all my papers too and we met in cebu after his long flight from uk. We were told that you have more chance of spouce visa for your wife if you marry as geting a fiance visa is more difficult and you must of met. Thats reason we married here in phils and like you will be told on here, many of your questions will be answerd just by browsing on this site. Im waiting now to apply for my spouse visa but I been advised to wait 6 months because my husband was out of work and needs to build bank balance again. Im looking so much forward to seeing him again and I honestly wish happiness in your future. viesvies

  6. #6
    Respected Member liane's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum! You could learn a lot from this site just by reading some more and ask anything anytime and I know everyone will be willing to help you.

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