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Thread: Mahal has migraine - marriage timescales

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  1. #1
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    Unhappy Mahal has migraine - marriage timescales

    Hi everyone. I hope somebody out there can help me. I met a beautiful girl on the net and we are chatting everyday.. this has been going on for months. Anyway, I have booked a trip to Manila to stay with her family over Christmas. I fly on the 24/12 and come back on the 3/1/07. We have also been making some plans to marry (on the 24/3/07)... and I assumed that I would be OK by booking flights for 16th March 07 with return flight on 13th April 07. Both these flights are booked. My girl has already been making lots of plans including booking the church and our wedding package has also been booked (for 24/3/07). A friend who has just married there tells me that I need to be in Manila for 21 days prior to the wedding.... so that the wedding banns can be read out. He also tells me that I will need to be in Manila for a full 42 days to get through the full marriage process. Can anyone tell me. is this correct? If so I am in a real pickle . I know about the CNI and will be applying for one here in the UK sometime into 2007. Thank you.

  2. #2
    Respected Member jbt's Avatar
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    That's true.....if you're friend just got married there, then he may be able to tell you the process and the requirements of the marriage in the philippines...and you may just have to read the threads in'll be a big help.... ready for more paper works....


  3. #3
    andypaul's Avatar
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    I don't know all the details of a church wedding but for a registry wedding you are suppose to be in the country at least ten days before the wedding when you make the application to marry in person.
    I have heard/read of a few people where one or both of the Couple were not in the country or at least the office at the time.

    A lot of research needs to be made, and sometimes asking can you apply when you are there the trip before the wedding?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    I don't know all the details of a church wedding but for a registry wedding you are suppose to be in the country at least ten days before the wedding when you make the application to marry in person.
    I have heard/read of a few people where one or both of the Couple were not in the country or at least the office at the time.

    A lot of research needs to be made, and sometimes asking can you apply when you are there the trip before the wedding?
    You have been very helpful, thanks. I will try do some digging whilst I'm there in December, but we are also Island-hopping and visiting family. Things are going to be very rushed. I am really concerned about the 21-day wait! Huh

  5. #5
    gingxrick's Avatar
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    Hello Mermaid, I will try to help you a little,and I hope it helps you out ok.
    I got married in the Philippines in May of this year to my filipina wife and this is what we had to do..... first of all you go to the registrar here in the UK to get your CNI but before you go you will need to know your girlfriends and her parents details,names etc,then all the details of were and when you are going to get married,then submit it to the UK registrar,this will take around 21 days,then you will have to make an appointment at the british consul or embassy in Manila to exchange it for the one you will get from the british embassy or consul, this has to be done to make it legal for you to married in the Philippines,then you and your g/f go to the registrar in the Philippines and fill in the marriage papers 10 days before you are getting married, you will have to be there for the 10 days but you can get married on the 11th day, so try to work out when you will submit the marraige papers then the marraige can take place anytime after the 10th day.

    hope this is some help to you my friend and all the best to both of you on the big day
    this is for getting married in the registrar, not sure about the church takes a lot longer in the church I'm told.....

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by gingxrick View Post
    Hello Mermaid, I will try to help you a little,and I hope it helps you out ok.
    I got married in the Philippines in May of this year to my filipina wife and this is what we had to do..... first of all you go to the registrar here in the UK to get your CNI but before you go you will need to know your girlfriends and her parents details,names etc,then all the details of were and when you are going to get married,then submit it to the UK registrar,this will take around 21 days,then you will have to make an appointment at the british consul or embassy in Manila to exchange it for the one you will get from the british embassy or consul, this has to be done to make it legal for you to married in the Philippines,then you and your g/f go to the registrar in the Philippines and fill in the marriage papers 10 days before you are getting married, you will have to be there for the 10 days but you can get married on the 11th day, so try to work out when you will submit the marraige papers then the marraige can take place anytime after the 10th day.

    hope this is some help to you my friend and all the best to both of you on the big day
    this is for getting married in the registrar, not sure about the church takes a lot longer in the church I'm told.....
    Can you also other consulates such as the one in Cebu? This is pretty much what we to do as well but in Cebu with Civil wedding

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by gingxrick View Post
    Hello Mermaid, I will try to help you a little,and I hope it helps you out ok.
    I got married in the Philippines in May of this year to my filipina wife and this is what we had to do..... first of all you go to the registrar here in the UK to get your CNI but before you go you will need to know your girlfriends and her parents details,names etc,then all the details of were and when you are going to get married,then submit it to the UK registrar,this will take around 21 days,then you will have to make an appointment at the british consul or embassy in Manila to exchange it for the one you will get from the british embassy or consul, this has to be done to make it legal for you to married in the Philippines,then you and your g/f go to the registrar in the Philippines and fill in the marriage papers 10 days before you are getting married, you will have to be there for the 10 days but you can get married on the 11th day, so try to work out when you will submit the marraige papers then the marraige can take place anytime after the 10th day.

    hope this is some help to you my friend and all the best to both of you on the big day
    this is for getting married in the registrar, not sure about the church takes a lot longer in the church I'm told.....
    Hi guys. I hope you are now back down to earth after your wedding :-). Thankyou for your comments. I am now busy trying to get things together to make my dream come true.

  8. #8
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    I am afraid you are going to need longer than the time window you mentioned.
    There is all sorts of paperwork required by the Chancery... baptism, confirmation, birth certificates, to name but a few.
    And more or less the same stuff required if civil wedding.
    I am now collecting all the paperwork required, bit by bit, taking into consideration that every certificate only has a 3 months life span...
    I will be visiting the County Court In December for my Certificate of no Impediment, so they can post it here for 21 days, to cut the waiting time over there. by the time I get married all the documents will still be valid for the purpose. I also have to make a few copies of each, just in case...
    Then when In Phil, you take the CNI to the local Consulate/Embassy and swap it for a Legal Capacity to Marry.. You take all the Bits and bobs to the local registrar (dont know what they call it there) and apply for marriage licence. It takes 10 days to be issued. I allowed 14 days for myself... if it means a short honey moon... I will make it up before the wedding. But keep on browsing on the site, and you will find the answers there, Also I suggest you visit Pete's site...

    It is an absolute mine of information, I don't think that there are many people around with this kind of knowledge.


  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    I am afraid you are going to need longer than the time window you mentioned.
    There is all sorts of paperwork required by the Chancery... baptism, confirmation, birth certificates, to name but a few.
    And more or less the same stuff required if civil wedding.
    I am now collecting all the paperwork required, bit by bit, taking into consideration that every certificate only has a 3 months life span...
    I will be visiting the County Court In December for my Certificate of no Impediment, so they can post it here for 21 days, to cut the waiting time over there. by the time I get married all the documents will still be valid for the purpose. I also have to make a few copies of each, just in case...
    Then when In Phil, you take the CNI to the local Consulate/Embassy and swap it for a Legal Capacity to Marry.. You take all the Bits and bobs to the local registrar (dont know what they call it there) and apply for marriage licence. It takes 10 days to be issued. I allowed 14 days for myself... if it means a short honey moon... I will make it up before the wedding. But keep on browsing on the site, and you will find the answers there, Also I suggest you visit Pete's site...

    It is an absolute mine of information, I don't think that there are many people around with this kind of knowledge.

    Thank you, Dom for this information. I am chipping away at things and hope to have all my plans ready for next year.

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