I don't know you so how can I judge you?
God judge me already.
Are you saying I am a hippy peddler or the Johns Hopkins?
No I said the lady who has a business that sells "
NATURAL PRODUCTS" is to be view with suspicion. As per assuming that the public are stupid and think that unnatural products are the creations of bad scientist like me.

i.e. what other kind of products are there? There are no unnatural products on this Gods earth.
Johns Hopkins is one of the world's premier hospitals, but you must know that already. Don't you?
Yes, it is one of them, and it copied the European model.Imperial College London is a leading one too. Taking a generalisation like best in the world, I take that with a pinch of salt, The world best hospital? You mean the best in the west, because you have not visited Africa, Russia, Australia, North America, South America.
I have visited all these countries and spent long time in four of them, I haven't had medical treatment there though.
I did not imply that conventional medicine was not good for people, neither did I try to belittle anyone. But you have released a can of worms with people like me get worried if we did the right thing. As for unconventional medicines I could say it is not good for people. I suppose the worst that could happen is that you could drown in lavender water.
Bit of a silly point IMO
I posted an article by a renowned and famous hospital, my question was to try to locate the original document..... If you dispute their findings then that is your right. I dispute anything distributed by email. They normally put their findings in Scientific Journals not personal emails.
That is why I wanted to see if it was true, that was the point of my thread.
I have always had my suspicions about plastic being next to our food though, that is my right.
No you are right. Tests have been done about this in the past. It was found that the glue from noddle packets, managed to get into the product,and they are too high in salt in the way they are produced.But these are trace levels, and you are safe.
Take a chill pill
man, and let everyone make their own minds up on what they perceive to be correct for them
Since I have cancer. I don't want misleading information about it. Nothing worse than false hope.
I am sorry you have cancer. I can understand why you would question other types of treatments and alternative medicines. I wish you all the best in your future.
Your so called email is a HOAX. Are you absolutely sure that is from John Hopkins? You have been had!
No, I am not sure. I was hoping to get verification by someone else in the "know". This was the point of my post.
Read this please. Please be more careful when you distribute information and question it.
It is always good to read information and to try to see if information is true. That is why public forums are good. We get positive and negative responses to our thoughts, and other sources of information.
Thank you for commenting on this, and once again have a speedy recovery.