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Thread: finally a brit now ..

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  1. #1
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    Thanks Darren! I think about that before, but I'm thinking I can still use my Philippine passport. My friend in Holland is dual citizen, but she also holds her Philippine passport. I was the one who helped her passport renewed in PInas about 4 years ago.
    My other problem is if I want to fly urgently for emergency reasons.
    My Phil passport will run out on Jan 2010, and my suitable month to apply my british citz is also Jan 2010. I'll be 3 years here in late Nov.
    I'm stuck!
    Paging Darren and Joeblogs.
    If you don't renew your citizenship you could still carry on using your Philippines passport even though it will be invalid but I don't think anyone will actually know. Not sure though what would happen if Philippines immigration spotted you had a British passport and was still using your Philippines passport even though you hadn't applied for dual citizenship.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
    If you don't renew your citizenship you could still carry on using your Philippines passport even though it will be invalid but I don't think anyone will actually know. Not sure though what would happen if Philippines immigration spotted you had a British passport and was still using your Philippines passport even though you hadn't applied for dual citizenship.
    Thanks Darren onced again. I was really confused so I sent email to Philippine Embassy in London.
    I am glad to share with you and to other members.
    Here's their reply:

    Yes, your Philippine passport becomes invalid when you obtain UK citizenship.
    However you can then apply for Dual Citizenship (form downloadable from Embassy website) and at the same time apply for a new Philippine passport.
    Please note that you have to go to the Philippine Embassy in London to swear your Oath of Allegiance before being granted Dual Citizenship because you lose your Philippine status when ever you get UK passport.
    Please look at the section on Dual Citizenship on the Embassy website for more information of the requirements.

    Thank you very much.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    Thanks Darren onced again. I was really confused so I sent email to Philippine Embassy in London.
    I am glad to share with you and to other members.
    Here's their reply:

    Yes, your Philippine passport becomes invalid when you obtain UK citizenship.
    However you can then apply for Dual Citizenship (form downloadable from Embassy website) and at the same time apply for a new Philippine passport.
    Please note that you have to go to the Philippine Embassy in London to swear your Oath of Allegiance before being granted Dual Citizenship because you lose your Philippine status when ever you get UK passport.
    Please look at the section on Dual Citizenship on the Embassy website for more information of the requirements.

    Thank you very much.
    Penny as you own Land and propety in Phill I would make sure even with the extra cost you ensure you have your dual citzenship and the new phill passport sorted. As if you have any disputes in Phill im sure it would be to your advantage. you can probably get away with out doing it as darren b says. But entrering,claiming citzenship or using a Passport which was technically invalid would be a risk surely?
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Penny as you own Land and propety in Phill I would make sure even with the extra cost you ensure you have your dual citzenship and the new phill passport sorted. As if you have any disputes in Phill im sure it would be to your advantage. you can probably get away with out doing it as darren b says. But entrering,claiming citzenship or using a Passport which was technically invalid would be a risk surely?
    nice info Somebody..thanks for always helping..
    If it's not life threatening IGNORE it .. .

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Penny as you own Land and propety in Phill I would make sure even with the extra cost you ensure you have your dual citzenship and the new phill passport sorted. As if you have any disputes in Phill im sure it would be to your advantage. you can probably get away with out doing it as darren b says. But entrering,claiming citzenship or using a Passport which was technically invalid would be a risk surely?
    I thought ex-filipino citizens could still own a certain amount of land anyway as it's only fairly recently the Philippines government has allowed dual citizenship.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
    I thought ex-filipino citizens could still own a certain amount of land anyway as it's only fairly recently the Philippines government has allowed dual citizenship.
    I ve no Idea Darren but the Phil Embassy advises to re instate your citzenship.

    Dual citizens can enjoy full civil and political rights in the Philippines, including the following:

    a. right to vote and be elected or appointed to any public office in the Philippines subject to existing Philippine laws,
    b. right to acquire land and other properties under his name,
    c. right to engage in business in the Philippines and have 100% ownership of the business,
    d. right to reside in the Philippine without need of visa, and
    e. right to practise profession in the Philippines upon application of a license or permit to engage in such practice

    The Embassy website refers you to I belive this
    Although some of the links appear to be dead.

    It does mention you can own a certain amount of Land or propety which may suffice for many but its all a bit vague are you a Phill or not? My Wifes Proud to be A Brit and Pinay so wants her full rights in both.
    She also owns and will probably buy off realtives to keep in the family quite a lot of Land..

    I would not take the risk of a rogue neighbour or even family member using it agaisnt me when they want to. If your not technically Fillipino again untill you swear the oath.

    If you used your Phill passport to Enter Phill and like you say somehow found out you had british citzenship you may find for a little bit more paperwork and cost in a tight situation at customs. Of course they may never find.

    I belive the Britsih goverment will not help you if your in your Birth country even if you have a British Passport. Again I dont know the in's and outs and you would need a expert on both British and Phillipine law i guess to know the full possible ramifications.

    Im not letting my Wife take the risk of finding out if its nothing to worry about or something a bit more serious.

    Of course most indivudals could probably get away with out doing it for years, but we all know how Jealous and cruel human beings can be..
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Penny as you own Land and propety in Phill I would make sure even with the extra cost you ensure you have your dual citzenship and the new phill passport sorted. As if you have any disputes in Phill im sure it would be to your advantage. you can probably get away with out doing it as darren b says. But entrering,claiming citzenship or using a Passport which was technically invalid would be a risk surely?
    Thanks somebody! I really need to be a dual citizen for many reasons.

    I am just bit worry about my passport. If I will apply for my citizenship by Jan 2012, and I need to fly urgent and emergency, how can I fly if my british citizenship and British passport is under process? Whislt my Philippine passport is run out?
    My Phil passport will run out Jan 2012 that's why I want to renew it. I can hold the process using my Philippine passport too fly. Am I right Somebody?If it is renewed whilst my citizen is under process, I can use it.

  8. #8
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    Thanks somebody! I really need to be a dual citizen for many reasons.

    I am just bit worry about my passport. If I will apply for my citizenship by Jan 2012, and I need to fly urgent and emergency, how can I fly if my british citizenship and British passport is under process? Whislt my Philippine passport is run out?
    My Phil passport will run out Jan 2012 that's why I want to renew it. I can hold the process using my Philippine passport too fly. Am I right Somebody?If it is renewed whilst my citizen is under process, I can use it.
    Hi Penny I dont know Po, you can reapply for your Filipino passport now cant you? Im guessing its like a British passport where if you so wish you could renew well before the expiry date.

    If you got a new one now I think i saw it lasts five years from the UK Phill embassy (although the Wifes from the DFA lasted ten years)

    I think it would be worth asking them I think they have a consul up your way who may be able to assit as well. The Consul may also know who may help with getting photos with a blue background as i think that was your issue at the moment?
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

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