Quote Originally Posted by mikemallorca View Post
Strange, i cant imagine, even though i lived inthe philippines for over 10 years off and on, wanting to have a filipino passport ? I think your roots come from where you were born, the lives of your grandparents and family , and a UKpassport is just a way of getting from A to B without visas...... I also had the chance of getting a Spanish Passport, but it just would not feel right... I go back many generations, and a lot of history, I just feel that i would not be wanting to change my whole family history, almost denouncing your own birth ......just my opinion..... interest to why you decided to get a UK passport, if its for ease of travel then fine. but anything else i can not imagine
I actually agree on your post Mike, I think the main reason why we apply to have another Passport is to make our life easier to travel.

I am entitled to have an Italian passport but I have never been bothered to do it. I only realised the difficulties when I got married with my husband and I needed to apply for a visa and you know the rest.

I will apply for British Citizenship when the time comes for me, but for purely convenience reasons. I will retain my Philippine passport as I am a Filipino and nothing in this world can change that...