Quote Originally Posted by charmingprinces View Post
Thank you Scottish bride & Darren-b for early response.... Now I can finally breathe
I have started completing the required documents... if in case I will need ur advise agen in the coming days.. hope you'd still be there....

Yap, we split up for 3 months only... and Thank God We have developed a more loving relationship after what happened....

Thank you Guys.....
Hey gurl!!!welcome to the forum!!!

anyayzzz i submitted ma tourist visa sponsored by ma bf in the UK just last wednesday last week...Im now scared cz u mentioned about u were denied coz of financial circumstance...Dam my boyfriend also added more money in my account as ell a month before i lodge my application....So im also gonna get denied here???I even presented loads of evidences that e are together,he's still has an ongoing divorce and been separated 2 years already from his ex wife..Me,i also have an ongoing annulment procedures as well and i did emphasize that......

I asked some people here and some told me that it didnt matter how much you have in yah account if you're sponsored by a UK resident there,you just have to present yah sponsor's bank statements,wage slips and stuff..

me now getting scared...