never transfer large amounts of money to your bank account, not without writing in your letter of support the reason why you've done this and it better be a good reason , it looks very suspicious. if you need to do it, do it ASAP and wait til you have 6 months bank statements without showing the statement with the money going in your account, so you need to plan your evidence many months before you apply for your visa.

you said you lied to them, did they mention a ban in any of their refusal letters? there is no automatic mandatory ban for spouses, but spouses can be still be refused if the applicant has contrived to 'significantly frustrate' UK immigration law. but you will probably not be refused for this.

so make sure they have no reason to refuse for app because of the evidence you submit, good bank statements - non overdrawn, showing he has savings to support you 'without recourse to public funds' a place to live without it being over crowded and as much evidence showing your in a genuine relationship, and you shouldn't have a problem.. and never tell a lie, or you'll your visa goodbye

good luck