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Thread: Basic Things I Need to Do

  1. #1
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    Basic Things I Need to Do

    hi everyone,

    Would appreciate your advise on the things i need to do and apply for such as registrations required. Don't have any idea and neither does my husband.

    Here now in Scotland on a spouse visa. Plan to find work later and hope to get lucky.

    1. Should I register for the NHS?
    2. Should I apply for a National Insurance Number?

    So sorry, really don't have any idea. I was searching through the archieve, but I couldn't find any. Appreciate if you could help me with all the essential things I will have to register into.

    Thank you so much for your time.

    Regards to All

  2. #2
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braveheart View Post
    hi everyone,

    Would appreciate your advise on the things i need to do and apply for such as registrations required. Don't have any idea and neither does my husband.

    Here now in Scotland on a spouse visa. Plan to find work later and hope to get lucky.

    1. Should I register for the NHS?
    2. Should I apply for a National Insurance Number?

    So sorry, really don't have any idea. I was searching through the archieve, but I couldn't find any. Appreciate if you could help me with all the essential things I will have to register into.

    Thank you so much for your time.

    Regards to All

    Dont worry none of us knew what to do but your muddle though.

    Get your hubby to get you on some Household bills such as electricty,gas, water and household insurance some will allow him to do on the phone others will want in writing some will want to speak to you. BT wont do joint bills so dont bother with them unless they have changed recently.

    From experience i found married women call operators and customer advisors to understand far more, regardless of where they were from. As even brit ladies once married can find suddenly they may not have any proof of address in their name. If you can try to get them to send a letter with your details on for some reason.

    Also get a box to keep all the documents you need to save for ILR. Start now and then no worries later

    Open a bank account you may need to try a few banks. But you need your phill passport and proof of address so need to wait for a bill or offcial letter to pop though the door first.

    Register with your local doctor take your passport and make sure if possible your hubby or one of his Family members with you if your not to confident dealing with Offcials (Please forgive me if i underestimate your self confidence or English Skills maam)

    Yep National insurance is useful but you can work without but far easier if you have the card. But your need to get some proof of address first.

    We found you needed to various things in order to ensure you could do the next step. It will take some sorting but soon your be sorted just treat it as a project and be organised and soon your sorted
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  3. #3
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    Hi braveheart, you're absolutely right, register at your nearest GP first thing and also dentist and apply for NHS
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  4. #4
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    When I was at Edinburgh University, you can register at the UHC (University Health Centre) but they provide service to all.

    This should give you an example of the questionnaire you would need to fill in

    here is a type form to register with a GP.

    Here is the National health service website, which you can enter your postcode in, and find practices nearby your house

    Western General is probably your main hospital.

    Oh and another thing, it can be cold wander around the streets of Edinburgh, so jump on a bus.Edinburgh has great bus route, so I would recommend you get a Ridacard. Gives you unlimited bus travel.

    Hope ya enjoy yourself.
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    Visit . It will tell you there how to apply NI and you also search job vacancy thru that helpful site.
    Goodluck to your job hunting.!

  6. #6
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    Visit . It will tell you there how to apply NI and you also search job vacancy thru that helpful site.
    Goodluck to your job hunting.!

    You know oor Job Center the security guard stop ya at the door and say. "Whit ya here fer?" Or is that HM Prisons.. But you have to stand and tell your business to the receptionist, in front of everyone, which is a bit annoying, so I would ask for privacy.

    Good place, with alot of backing is s1jobs. You hear adverts on the local radio too. So try this place:

    How about this one? Customer Service in Pensions
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  7. #7
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    thank you so much for all your advises. Really appreciate all your inputs.

    this morning, hubby and i went immediately to register at the nearest medical center and they said that it takes 2 days to process and encode it in their system. by that time we can already use their services.

    we will go through the NI information and job sites you have given today and over the weekend then we will definitely deal with them next week.

    again thank you so so much for all your help.

    take care

  8. #8
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braveheart View Post
    thank you so much for all your advises. Really appreciate all your inputs.

    this morning, hubby and i went immediately to register at the nearest medical center and they said that it takes 2 days to process and encode it in their system. by that time we can already use their services.

    we will go through the NI information and job sites you have given today and over the weekend then we will definitely deal with them next week.

    again thank you so so much for all your help.

    take care
    Dont forget to start having post with your name on it delivered as early as you can. Proof of address is important and ILR at the moment its only six items but its been far higher in the past...
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Dont forget to start having post with your name on it delivered as early as you can. Proof of address is important and ILR at the moment its only six items but its been far higher in the past...
    thank you so much somebody. hubby and is discussing your advise as of this time. but all the bills are addressed to him at the moment. i really don't know how i can get a post addressed to me. we will try to figure out how we can deal with this.

    thank you so much again.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Dont forget to start having post with your name on it delivered as early as you can. Proof of address is important and ILR at the moment its only six items but its been far higher in the past...
    Bear in mind that it looks like anyone arriving in the UK now on a settlement visa will be subject to the new rules so will applying for probabationary citizenship then citizenship/permanent residency rather then ILR. So worth keeping an eye on the plans for the new process to see what it will actually mean.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
    Bear in mind that it looks like anyone arriving in the UK now on a settlement visa will be subject to the new rules so will applying for probabationary citizenship then citizenship/permanent residency rather then ILR. So worth keeping an eye on the plans for the new process to see what it will actually mean.

    ok darren b, thank you so much for that info. will surely keep an eye on the new processes.

    take care and have a nice weekend everyone

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braveheart View Post
    thank you so much somebody. hubby and is discussing your advise as of this time. but all the bills are addressed to him at the moment. i really don't know how i can get a post addressed to me. we will try to figure out how we can deal with this.

    thank you so much again.

    Well for example with your electricty company simple ring up or email them and explain you have moved in as his Wife. That you wish to be added.
    Depends on when you get bills sent of course.

    Same with house/flat insurance as you moved in get in both names your hubby still handles the bills but if you need to call up due to a calim either can make and at least in our case premium the same if just one person or a couple.

    You should get something from your local health authority, if i recall to say your join local doctors.
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braveheart View Post
    thank you so much somebody. hubby and is discussing your advise as of this time. but all the bills are addressed to him at the moment. i really don't know how i can get a post addressed to me. we will try to figure out how we can deal with this.

    thank you so much again.
    just ring the providers and they will change it to both your names ,(me.. I phoned them up and told them the reason why..)

    dont forget the council as well (it took ages for them to have it changed)

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  14. #14
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    thank you so much. we will give them a ring on monday and do as per your advises.

    best regards to all.

  15. #15
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braveheart View Post
    hi everyone,

    Would appreciate your advise on the things i need to do and apply for such as registrations required. Don't have any idea and neither does my husband.

    Here now in Scotland on a spouse visa. Plan to find work later and hope to get lucky.

    1. Should I register for the NHS?
    2. Should I apply for a National Insurance Number?

    So sorry, really don't have any idea. I was searching through the archieve, but I couldn't find any. Appreciate if you could help me with all the essential things I will have to register into.

    Thank you so much for your time.

    Regards to All
    first thing you need to do is register to your gp so they can check you up like bp, smear test, blood test and etc. then apply NI so you can find a job if you want to work.
    all things are possible!

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