They reckon about 60% of all US ops aren't required, but they get them because the insurance is paying....not having the sense to realise this increases the policy ..... and about 30%+ of all kids in the US are on some kind of prescription drugs for various 'new' illnesses that they got along with just fine without meds for the previous 200,000 years of human evolution!
They even give drugs for ADHD to 3 year olds They also take drugs for emotional problems, stress, obesity.....etc.... Jeez... it's called GROWING UP!!! Not only that, the body is developing with toxins in them, no one knows what the problems will be later in life as they drugs were never developed for children.
Which ops were done then boss? Boob jobs, plastic surgery, fixing their looks? That's LA for ya. Everyone who is anyone gets something done
It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.