Maybe up north but they didn't take regional differences into place which im sure they were thinking in their ivory towers would mean the whole job market would adapt but as we dont it takes more than that

. It also has meant many jobs are now minimum wage and hourly rates etc when before they were permant salaried jobs
One very well known security firm used at work who many of the guards i have known for years. Has im told its older staff on salaried wages and the newer staff are hourly on rolling contracts and yes you guessed it minimum wage

They gave the newer staff more holidays well actually they gave them the chance to take their bank holidays when they like and still have less holidays than the older staff
Many supermarket staff were salaried or had guaranteed hours when friends and I were students working in the evenings and weekends. Now you would be very lucky it seems to have this luxury.
Now many retail staff are zero hour contract so the minimum wage makes no difference. Sickness is now an offence and many companies big and small being far less genrous with sickness pay.
Well intentioned policy which as usual it seems backfired.