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Thread: Screen capture of video of your mahal

  1. #1
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    Screen capture of video of your mahal

    For those of you that need proof of relationship, what better way to get evidence of relationship than a video of your mahal. You can capture the screen.

    There are many different types of these applications but I have found the best to be Hypercam. You basically drag a box around the area you want to capture, and then press Start Record. The file will be save as an AVI. The inital recording of AVI can be grainy, but this can be fixed by updating your codecs.(compression technique)

    I would recommend you download the K-lite Codec pack This updates many different file types, but increases the quality of AVI file.

    When installing just leave most things alone, the more you add does not mean good. Leave it at default.It is best to follow the instructions carefully. The package includes a Media player which is like the old classic media player. It can play flv (flash video files from Youtube)

    Now download Hypercam at

    One you have implemented the codec go to the AVI file tab in Hypercam and use ffdshow Video codec for recording a video, you will notice the difference.

    Usually a function hotkey is used for starting and stopping recording.
    Then, keep for proof of talking and enjoy your times
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  2. #2
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    But you have to pay for it

    Eatcam is free

  3. #3
    Respected Member MarBell379's Avatar
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    Ive had a lot of success with
    Whatever you use Ive found you need to change the settings so you get a better quality image. You need to watch the size of the videos as well. They can end up very big if you're not careful.
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