Hello everyone!

I've said before, that I was looking up for something else that is, ways I can promote the book I am working on when I spotted this forum. I joined in. I thought I might learn something from here. Very true enough! And not only that - I felt the warmth spirit of this Community.

And questions followed me, would it be a good idea to share/promote my book here, maybe not? Would I get a support, perhaps? In my initial attempts to promote my book, I posted a link, at the risk of being banned or deleted. I was not. So, I concluded that it is just fine.

Meanwhile, I carried on working for the final version. This time, I am finished. Few copies we will be submitted to the British Library as part of the requirement. And again, I am here, promoting and selling. Anyone interested, you can contact me.

Thank you also to those who gave good words about my book