Hi guys.....

I'm aware that approximately £2000 is needed to show that sponsor has enough money for financial support.

My husband is paid monthly.He works as a chef & receives £23000 annually.At the end of each month his account is in black once all the bills has been paid including monthly remittance he sends me.So his saving account never shows minimum of £400 in credit for the last 6 months. But I do have around 200k in peso savings here which I got from all the remittances he sent me since 2007. I was employed then But i just resigned last July 2009 and also have a business -currently I still do have a business, so I dont need to spend much of his remittances infact I was able to save most of them coz my earnings is enough for me.

My husband also has a land property here in the phil which he just bought
the last time he visit me here.

What do you think are the chances of getting refused for a spouse visa.

I understand financial support is very important. Would having his regular income not enough in this case.
