Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
the formation of the Welsh Assembly has provided Wales with greater legislature in the governance of its own affairs.
The Welsh Assembly is a bit of a bad joke to be honest, we have no say over finances, defence, foreign affairs, its all dictated by some people in the London village.

Wales will never be independent from the rest of the UK, not in my lifetime anyway, the thought of Plaid Cymru nutters running Wales fills me with dread. Plaid Cymru are a bit like New Labour, a bit of a fraud. They say one minute they want to unite Wales, then a certain Dafydd Iwan, the President of Plaid, wants all "English" retired people to return to where they came from because they could be a burden on the Welsh economy. I have the displeasure of having to work with these Welsh Nationalists and they are very unpleasant people. Ship them all out to Patagonia, they be much happier out there.