Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
I don't care about her siblings. Strong words right? But this is your partnership right. It is always messed up with extended family problems. Noone cared about your feelings. I am sure you are feeling a mixture of anger and betrayal at the same time. Difficult emotions.

She married you. You are more important. She knew that when she said those words. Or perhaps they were meaningless to her. I am disappointed. I thought Filipinos were Christian, god fearing and true to their word.
She should put you first.That's her duty as a wife. Get her back over here. You should not have let her get her own way. It was immature of her,and she put herself first. It shows she does not care of your feelings.

I agree!

When she gets married to you she sacrifices her right to do things like this and to take advantage of your good gentlemanly nature.

I can't help but think that you got the short end of the stick that you didn't deserve.

Marriage calls for maturity and sacrifice. You sacrificed. Thousands of pounds, not to mention your blood sweat and tears, just to be slapped in the face with this kind of immature non-sacrificing, selfish, short termed myopia?


I was delighted when I saw the picture you had put on here a cpl weeks back with her walking thru the terminal. I thought, hopefully, soon that will be my wife, but I got so when I read what you had put here.

Heed what triple5 and Gary2J says.

My 2 centavos

Jim Hub