Originally Posted by
And when the honeymoon is over "!
Hello Mick,
I truly am very sorry to hear of your wife's flight back from Heathrow this morning, I suppose you went to see her off, and are still there, as the flight is going shortly, it must be heartbreaking for you, to have to go through this at such a harrowing moment in your life.
Needless to say, I would want you to know you are not alone in this right now, your friends at this forum are with you, sadly, we know from past experiences, these things do happen from time to time.
Some Filipina's just cannot settle in the UK, no matter how much the support and love from the husband, I remember a couple of years ago, how there was a similar story, and of course many of us might remember, when poor David, lost his wife Jasmine, who died in hospital shortly after child birth.
I remember when David was going through his visa situation, having spoken to him many times on mobile phone, only to find Jasmine safely arrived in UK, and then shortly after, less than a year, the poor guy lost his wife in hospital.
These stories stick in ones mind, and of course your story today will no doubt stick in all our minds, of just how hit and miss the whole matter is, don't always assume in the future, that when this road you travel down, ends up in happiness and a happy love story, if this proves anything, it proves that not is all as it seems for everyone, there are trials and tribulations to go through, getting a positive visa decision and jumping for joy does not always lead to a happy conclusion to what I call the "Philippines project".
I can only say at this time, I am feeling your sorrow and heartache, Jennifer obviously could not settle in the UK, in truth, life here can be dull at times, for Filipina's who are used to the hustle and bustle of cities such as Cagayan de Oro, in this case Jennifer's home town, our quite rural towns and villages can be sometimes depressing.
I am sure now she has boarded, she will be deep in thought about what has happened, the fact that you have paid her flight home, goes to show what sort of man you are, a complete gentleman it seems to me.
And I think your actions in this matter have spoken louder than any words, I am sure many others on this forum would note your gentlemanly behavior in this matter, and hope you stay with us on this forum, I think now Mick its a time to reflect on your situation, perhaps take some time over next few days to see where life will take you, no doubt you are devastated, but I think time itself will be a great healer, in due course, I am sure you will pick up your life again, and in this I wish you very well.