Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post

I do feel absolutely gutted for you.

And I take this sad occasion to agree with some other members, there is no need to dwell in the past, and your main concern should be to start to move on.

To me, it seems that her heart was not in it from the start, and you have done nothing wrong and nothing to be ashamed of.

Raise your chin, start divorce proceedings, cease all contact and money sending and look forward to a better future.
Who knows...? The real gem may just be around that corner.

She is not your responsability anymore, mate.

All the best.
Thank you,
I bought her flight back home and gave her money, she will not get any more, I have had text from her family that they are in need, but when Jennifer left they are not my main concern, I am worried about them but Jennifer has ended the marriage.