I am so sad about what happened with you and Jenny, knowing how much you love her and knew your story. I just don't understand her.
But please Mick. there's always good reason why things happened.

I remember when I married my husband. I was so worry about my loving Mom. I was thinking who will look after my Mom, I love her and I always think before that I can find 10 husbands but not a mother like mine. I always feel horrible and always shared my husband about my worries. My Mom also worried about me, and that bothers me more. She said, I will have different life onced I joined with my husband and also living with mother in Law.
Thanks God, we sorted this and hubby agreed that I can visit my Mom once a year or even twice. And lucky to have lovely in-laws But still I feel I miss my Nanay terribly. I miss my sisters and brothers and friends
But I love my husband too.

Mick, cheer up! there are many ladies around.
Just want you to smile.
God bless us!