Hi James, i'm sad to know University of the Philippines is nowhere to be found in the list compiled on the top 500 or 1000 Universities in the world .
" The people who mean something to your life are not rated "the best" don't have the most money, haven't won the greatest prizes....
They are the ones who care about you, take care of you, those who, no matter what, stay close by... "
Although, the issue is funding.
Research undertaken in universities which contributes to their all over score depends largely on the funding awarded.
Therefore, the talent of the people aside, the fund-raising abilities of the universities is probably the most important thing, because they can then afford to hire the best to carry out the best research and therefore develop an international reputation.
The UK and USA are awesome at this, hence, better Universities.
also to the list
any others I failed to mention?
-Alton towers
-British style kebab
Yeah, I am proud of these things
Oh yes,
-No Mozzies (mosquitoes)
I love Scotland, the Lochs, the Glens, the Coastlines, the Islands.
I love the Lake District.
I like the TV strangely, mostly the documentaries on Sky and the Beeb and as a Sci-fi fan Sky One is great.
I am proud of our history, at least proud of some of it, we did a lot of bad things like the rest of the colonial powers of old.
I do like our general sense of fairness, however it is I fear a dying trait, far too few see past narrow self interest these days.
I like the general lack of deadly creatures, earthquakes, volcano's i.e. our relative immunity from major natural disasters.
Our infrastructure although it could be much better.
And I am proud of our overall contribution to our understanding of all aspects of the Universe we live in (in all branches of fundamental science).
There are though lots of things I am not particularly fond of too but I'll save that for another day.
And please...read my words carefully, cause being a victim is not my cup of tea...
'We dance in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows'
Ahh! You should hear me talking about ALL the wrong doings about my country and my fellow-country man, I think they would call me very unpatriotic and suplada. I am aware of its ugly side.
I cannot ignore where I came from, and I suffer when I see my fellow Filipino's who are suffering because of their own ignorance, but no one is to blame...let history do its course and hopefully one day it will be a better place for the younger generation.
'We dance in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows'
Give it a few weeks, James, and you'll soon be complaining about the weather, the prices, Labour etc![]()
What i love about the UK??
- My husband
- The weather - no typhoons and no discomfort of heat and humidity
- Great landscapes
- Fish and Chips![]()
"10% of life is made up of what happens to you, 90% is decided by how you react"
"The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost"
The British sense of humour is something I always miss when I'm away from the UK for a long period. Nobody cracks a joke like us, that's something to be proud of![]()
Can I add. Love them!
And I have to say proud of our comedy in our country. There is so much to choose from.
Yes, and the difference between the upper class and the lower class! Nothing. It just okay for them to do mad stuff. But if a working class boy says I want to be a tobogganist, they get told to shut it,clipped round the ear and told to get a real job
Billy Connolly Tobogganist part 1
Billy Connolly Tobagganist Part 2
And I would add
Arbroath Smokies I just love those!
It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.
"Suburban V-neck Pullover Volvo crowd that spoil it all"the rest of us are nuts, rich or poor
I love Connolly, he gave me some serious dirty looks back in 1984 in the Silver Thread Hotel in Paisley at the 20th anniversary of the Paisley folk club as I was right into photography back then and he had a little bit of a problem with photographers(I was up at the front of the stage right under his nose
I thought this website was very useful study of laughter of Britishness
It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.
Aye, I don't come to your work and take photos of you ya p**k. Probably what he'd say
It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.
[QUOTE=James Hubbard;182540]I wanted to ask all of you who are Brits and those who have lived in the UK for a long time - or just arrived and fresh ...
--What do you love about the UK, and what are you proud of about our country?
I have lived in the Philippines for a year and I have missed a lot, ... will be going back in 2.5 weeks and I will miss my asawa but I really look forward to my country.
Let me try to start the list with 4
1) Temperate Climate
2) World Class Education
3) Stiff upper lip and politeness (in general)
4) Respect for other nations and cultures . . .
Hello James Hubbard! I don't exactly know your background and why said what you said ... I went through, read almost if not all your comments here and I couldn't help not to say ... "
1) Temperate Climate -
Doesn't it mean not subject to prolonged extremes of hot or cold weather?
2. World Class Education. Oxbridge. Compare a graduate from cambridge to a graduate from university of the philippines and you will see the educational disparity -
There is no comparison. These are the link you can look up. History will tell you. It is self explanatory. It is like comparing grandfather to a great great grandson. This is not an excuse but you might consider that - our medium of instruction is mostly in English whereas, yours is in the language you're born to.
3/4) Differences - We all live and differ in culture and traditions, music, beliefs, moral values, principles and I can go on. I think that ther eis good/bad everywhere. I've not been robbed at home, I was here!
WHO IS NOT PROUD OF ORIGIN. If I am a Chinese, I am proud being Chinese. If I am German, I am proud being German, if I am Filipino, I am proud being Filipino ...
[QUOTE=bless.books;182828]Bless, he's been up late had too many beers and he is terribly homesick and looking forward to coming home to the UK in a couple of weeks, he is young and exuberant and he got a bit off topic earlier
From all his other posts he is just trying to tell it as he see's it, he's not always right, I bet you he is homesick for the Philippines two weeks after he gets back to the UK
1) Yes, temperate climate does mean no extremes in weather. And happily so, having lived here through 3 typhoons and another one coming, give me bland (beautiful) british "fine rain that soaks you through" anyday!
2) Am I not allowed to be proud of the "world class education" we have in the UK? The country is a veritable mecca for the best and brightest students from all over the world!! I'll never stop being proud of it!
3) Differences. Yes, the distinction is, in the UK, we celebrate our differences, and look at them as beautiful things, we are not culturally homogeneous, but rather, we are a multi-cultural melting pot. Whereas in other places (including where I currently live) the place only has ONE kind of person. Anyone else who has different colour of skin or a different accent is looked upon with suspicion and a little bit of ridicule.
In the UK, cultural differences are things to be proud of- making the country a much richer experience, whereas, other countries, if you're different, you're ridiculed and made to feel embarrassed.
4) Bless said : Who is Not Proud Of Origin : I guess there are many, nevertheless, the point of this thread is to celebrate why we are proud to be british, or what we love about Britain.
--As the author of a book on passing the life in the UK exam, I would assume that you rather enjoy it in my countryYou're welcome. Let us know why you love our country, our united kingdom
[QUOTE=James Hubbard;182860]
First, I had the book bec I made use of my time and this is my contribution to the UK/Filipino Community. There is a degree that I enjoy being here but then again, I also enjoyed being/living in other countries as well. The word is - embrace and experience!
Ok book ... here's the final post from me in this little debate you have started:
1) Weather. You come off as a bit rude, "shouldn't you have prepared yourself, yak yak yak". OK Logic 101. Where did I blame you on the typhoons here? Also, without the aid of a crystal ball, I can't determine what the weather will be here. What's to say I didn't educate myself on the weather here and still came here anyway?
BlessBooks, I am talking about (how many times have I said this) WHAT YOU LIKE ABOUT LIVING IN THE UK! I LIKE THE WEATHER! KNOCK KNOCK! If I wanted to take the same tone as you, I'd say: Don't you think you should read the first post in a thread before you get all righteous!
2) Glad you're not contesting this one. Finally getting somewhere!
3) Yes there is need to mention it in great detail. When's the last time you heard a brit telling anyone how proud they are of their country? I'm pretty sure this is the only thread I've seen in any forum of this kind. Yet, every day I am being hit with pinoy pride and pilipinas kong mahal. If you don't like a topic that says "Proud to be British" then don't read it, and heck, don't post! It makes sense. Hit the back button in your browser
4) Deary me Bless, we gotta clear things up a bit here. I live in Philippines. I am British. This is the FILIPINO UK forum. I am comparing what I like in UK with the other thing I know which is the Philippines. It makes sense, since that's kinda the topic of the forum we're on! Again, if you didn't like what I had said why not just use the back button in your browser like I shall any time I see you reply to one of my posts?
As for the book and loving the UK, if you don't love it, why not leave it? You could sell your book online from the Philippines
I'm not gonna respond to you any more, I'll let you have the last word in this tussle. I have said my piece.
This is all,
what I like about Britain.
what I hate about Britain,so many things.
[QUOTE=James Hubbard;182942][QUOTE=bless.books;182926]
Ok book ... here's the final post from me in this little debate you have started:
1) Weather. You come off as a bit rude, "shouldn't you have prepared yourself, yak yak yak". OK Logic 101. Where did I blame you on the typhoons here? Also, without the aid of a crystal ball, I can't determine what the weather will be here. What's to say I didn't educate myself on the weather here and still came here anyway
James, I don't think that is being rude. That is your perception. I am only pointing out, that if you read about our weather/climate conditions then you would know what to expect. What is wrong suggesting? Reading a bit about the country would help don't you think? So you wouldn't caught out moaning/complaining! Hear your tone.
BlessBooks, I am talking about (how many times have I said this) WHAT YOU LIKE ABOUT LIVING IN THE UK! I LIKE THE WEATHER! KNOCK KNOCK! If I wanted to take the same tone as you, I'd say: Don't you think you should read the first post in a thread before you get all righteous!
Yes, James, I read your comments, if not all, almost all. And it is you who has to go through it again ... you've forgotten you've made comments - not about your loving/living in the UK. Please do not just see but look/Please do not just hear but listen to your tone. You started a thread, and everyone is welcome to say anything. Good or bad, acceptable or not and am talking about two parties here. If one says something, you can expect one to say something as well, whether that one likes it or not.
2) Glad you're not contesting this one. Finally getting somewhere!
3) Yes there is need to mention it in great detail. When's the last time you heard a brit telling anyone how proud they are of their country? I'm pretty sure this is the only thread I've seen in any forum of this kind. Yet, every day I am being hit with pinoy pride and pilipinas kong mahal. If you don't like a topic that says "Proud to be British" then don't read it, and heck, don't post! It makes sense. Hit the back button in your browser
This is where the rudeness bit you are talking about. Manners please! Who is rude now? Forum is a medium for open discussion or voicing of ideas.
I said, there is no need to mention in great detail the bad experiences (of people I met here including me) bec I am here in the UK and it would not help moaning and complaing, I'd rather embrace and experience and accept it. Yes, again the topic is PROUD TO BE BRITISH. It got me interested in the topic hoping to learn something from it. I wanted to know/learn what BRITISH PEOPLE SAY ABOUT THEIR COUNTRY AND WHAT THEY ARE PROUD ABOUT. How come then, that you awere talking about something else and makking comparison. Okay, you love/like the weather, then explain why? Your world class education, then explain it. It is very elementary.
4) Deary me Bless, we gotta clear things up a bit here. I live in Philippines. I am British. This is the FILIPINO UK forum. I am comparing what I like in UK with the other thing I know which is the Philippines. It makes sense, since that's kinda the topic of the forum we're on! Again, if you didn't like what I had said why not just use the back button in your browser like I shall any time I see you reply to one of my posts?
Deary James, that is exactly what I am saying. Don't you get it? You can say what you like and stick to that. I mean, you have to be precise what you are talking about. TITLE IS PROUD TO BE BRTISH, say the things you are proud about being British isn't? Then Why are comparing two opposite poles. You should have a different topic.
Have the title, then messages follows. DON'T DEVIATE FROM THE TOPIC. If you are to compare UK from PHILIPPINES, then have another title. It is not about me liking the topic or not, it is about contents of the topic.
As for the book and loving the UK, if you don't love it, why not leave it? You could sell your book online from the Philippines
Talking about world-class education? Where are you educated? What about world-class manners? You are being too personal now. I am not going to bite that.
LIVE AND LET LIVE. It is sad that just one thread could display your character.
[QUOTE=James Hubbard;182942]
And as for the book, THE LIFE IN THE UK TEST MADE EASY -it is for those taking the LIFE IN THE UK TEST and I am glad you noticed it. It is not about makking money. If there is at least one from here who will be interested, that will make me grateful.
As an author, I have the obligation to submit copies to the following British Libraries:
The British Library
The Bodleian Library, Oxford
The National Library of Wales
The University Library, Cambridge
The Library of Trinity College, Dublin
Which means this little contribution of mine will be part of the British Heritage. I will be long gone 6 feet under the ground, but my book is still around. What about you? Okay, you are proud to be British ... are the British people be proud of you?
We need a new national anthem. Its crap. daa daa daaaa daaa daaaa daa daaa blah blah blah. With a mighty rush rebellious Scots to Crush
Billy on the anthem
It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.
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