Hello James! It is not my feeling nor pride. I am about concern about the notion you have for the country. Nothing personal here. I am not hurt or anything. Just that I have so much high expectatins from a British like you. What did we get? You have derogatory remarks about Philippines. Shouldn't you rrealise that that is not accpetable in world of respect and manners? I did not claim Philippines is a paradise. Fine if Philippines is a rubbish, I will not get hurt or offended at all. But I would ask you, what are you doing to do about it being Proud to be British?
Hello P&P! Indeed, 'saying sorry' is one of the things worth mentioning about ... and admiration for those who are sports. As for james, I don't thiink he really meant saying sorry. Topic PROUD TO BE BRITISH has nothing to do with PHILIPPINES. And that is another subject.
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