Quote Originally Posted by Sophie View Post
Hello rainmaker, i think the best start would be taking the course to be AAT and ACCA certified here.....
You have to invest in yourself first before you get the return of your investment which is a good accounting job and accounting career here in the uk....
I think once you have the AAT and ACCA qualification, it will be easy for you to get an accounting job regardless of your lack of accounting work experience here....
As you just mentioned, you are working here and i suppose you've been working for quite a while having been here for 5 years already....
Although you're working in a different field, what's important is you already established a working history in the uk and got references/referees to vouch for that....
And don't fret about not getting hired after the AAT/ACCA course for lack of accounting work experience, chances are, it's more likely the opposite...
Be positive and work your way up to the goal you set coupled with diligence and hardwork - it will surely pay off
Thanks guys esp sophie There are times when i'm depressed coz i felt i doing a job just to earn money and support my family and not having a job satisfaction. I need a job where i'm good at but as i've said before nobody gives you a chance to prove my worth. I think for the hundreds of application i made for an accounting job, only two employers dare to invite me for an interview. And they asked for UK accounting work experience. I also signed for agency for them to look for jobs for me but without success. I know i have to adopt to the challenges UK has to offer. I'm really confused where to start for an accouting job. Whether to study first in order to obtain UK accounting qualification or look for first for accounting job w/o studying and gain experience and then study afterwards. dont know which path to take....