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  1. #1
    Respected Member SteveL's Avatar
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    Here inthe UK we pride ourselves on democracy. But democracy means that a person or a group or people who are advocating at the top of their lungs what you would spend your life to deny, to fight even has the right to speak their mind.
    To deny this, means we become the thing we fear - a group of people who want to deny another group equal rights based on not liking them. In a perverse way, we become the racists.
    BNP like so many other groups hate. Their hatred is based on skin colour, religion, ethnicity and a group of other things. There will always be people who thrive on fear, on hatred and these people will always point a finger at a minority group and shout its all their fault. Protestants hate Catholics in Ireland and vis versa. Muslims hate Christians. Whites hate everyone else. As Chris Rock the comedian put it .........."Niggers and Jews is next, that train is never late".
    What's the answer? For me the answer is to understand and everyone is capable of good and evil, right and wrong, fear and violence. But in 99.9% of us, we keep it in check. It's the 0.01% that cause trouble and they cause a lot of it. So lets not give these people a platform beyond what is reasonable.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SteveL View Post
    Here inthe UK we pride ourselves on democracy. But democracy means that a person or a group or people who are advocating at the top of their lungs what you would spend your life to deny, to fight even has the right to speak their mind.
    To deny this, means we become the thing we fear - a group of people who want to deny another group equal rights based on not liking them. In a perverse way, we become the racists.
    BNP like so many other groups hate. Their hatred is based on skin colour, religion, ethnicity and a group of other things. There will always be people who thrive on fear, on hatred and these people will always point a finger at a minority group and shout its all their fault. Protestants hate Catholics in Ireland and vis versa. Muslims hate Christians. Whites hate everyone else. As Chris Rock the comedian put it .........."Niggers and Jews is next, that train is never late".
    What's the answer? For me the answer is to understand and everyone is capable of good and evil, right and wrong, fear and violence. But in 99.9% of us, we keep it in check. It's the 0.01% that cause trouble and they cause a lot of it. So lets not give these people a platform beyond what is reasonable.
    Well said

  3. #3
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    The worse thing you could do with the BNP and other extremist bigoted groups is to ban them make them seem daring to be part off to some.

    Like the police do let them say in the public eye where they can keep an eye on them, they dont seem exciting to those who want to rebel.

    Look at clockwork orange i remeber it being exciting to watch a video of when tyounger now since its shown on TV now and then its lost all the appeal.

    Banning or stopping people do something often has the wrong affect it seems.

    Im pretty Sure many young Muslim and White extremists just doing it to rebel. Many of their parents I bet were not sharing the same extreme views in fact more likely the opposite.

    Make the groups mundane and out argue them whoever the bigots are.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    true andy, look at Sinn Féin they get a taste of power and they like it and want to keep it, so they have to become more moderate and electable, probably the same with the BNP, they got 2 euro mp's who will want to stay there now they have some power and i'm sure they will water down thier policies so they get the votes to stay there..

  5. #5
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    true andy, look at Sinn Féin they get a taste of power and they like it and want to keep it, so they have to become more moderate and electable, probably the same with the BNP, they got 2 euro mp's who will want to stay there now they have some power and i'm sure they will water down thier policies so they get the votes to stay there..

    Well they would need to change a lot before i would vote for them.

    I mean the american liberals party who now have a Black Leader were once pro slavery.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  6. #6
    Respected Member LastViking's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    The worse thing you could do with the BNP and other extremist bigoted groups is to ban them make them seem daring to be part off to some.

    Like the police do let them say in the public eye where they can keep an eye on them, they dont seem exciting to those who want to rebel.

    Look at clockwork orange i remeber it being exciting to watch a video of when tyounger now since its shown on TV now and then its lost all the appeal.

    Banning or stopping people do something often has the wrong affect it seems.

    Im pretty Sure many young Muslim and White extremists just doing it to rebel. Many of their parents I bet were not sharing the same extreme views in fact more likely the opposite.

    Make the groups mundane and out argue them whoever the bigots are.
    Excellent response. The answer is that those right thinking people who oppose the views expressed by any party, need to stand up and make their own point.

    The problem is not the BNP but the quality of the political parties and their inability to tackle the root causes on which the BNP and others thrive. It is those problems of unemployment, extreme divides, and poor quality education that should be be tackled.

    We have had years of reports and change for change sake and still we have some of the poorest social areas. MPs need to be more accountable to the people that they serve and less tied to the party system.

    In my own view, we have given away Parliamentary control to the Executive. Parliament needs to take control back from the Government. The Government should be doing Parliaments bidding, not the other way around.

  7. #7
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    the BNP in europe,i thought they wanna keep foreigners out,now they go to work with them

    i may vote for them,looks like they are changing for the better
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    the BNP in europe,i thought they wanna keep foreigners out,now they go to work with them
    give the bnp euro mps a year there and what a great life their having on their expenses i wouldn't be surprised if they then defected to the conservatives

  9. #9
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    It is bags like these people who further the cause of the BNP

  10. #10
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Ah well, I'm proud to be Scottish ... even though I've only worn the National Dress on two occasions [both times hired] for a couple of close family weddings. But still, some of the Scot Nats' policies are a bit too extreme for my liking! On the other hand, I'm no great fan of the EU either.

  11. #11
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    It doesn't matter really, about ramblings on democracy, freedom of speech and all that blarney associated with it.....

    The truth of the matter is that the BNP is a bunch of obnoxious, racists, and despite a party constitution, they are not a party at all, but a rabble of ignorant hooligans.

  12. #12
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    I wonder what the intentions of these parties is in UK, and if there are any fundamental objections which could be applied to them (any any other similar groups) and BNF ?

    Al Muhajiroun

    I also heard on the BCC, it may not be correct and if so please correct me, that at the end of Muslim service, when the Christians would say something to the effect 'Go in Peace' they say ‘death to all infidels’ to which the reply is ‘amen'

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    when the Christians would say something to the effect 'Go in Peace' they say ‘death to all infidels’ to which the reply is ‘amen'
    It wouldn't surprise me in the least.....

    But then it could be expected from a creed that advocates death to gays, adulterers, apostasy, and heavens knows what other minor transgressions....

    So basically, in my mind, it seems to be rather tribal, run by fear and subjugation...

  14. #14
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    Waste of time even talking about these turds:
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    It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.

  15. #15
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    Hi Somebody, not sure if you were having a go at me, because I live in Spain, but not to worry, if you were, it saved someone else and I have a really thick skin.

    I know there have been a few highlighted incidents in Spain, but I still say that actually living here, and of course I have a Filipino wife and lots of Filipino friends, I and my wife are not aware of any problem, except maybe the odd look from visiting Brits when they see a 69 year old with a pretty 37 year old wife.

    And, as you say, racist remarks are in no way confined to one race type. To be 'fair skinned' in many countries is looked upon as being better than dark in many countries where the indigenous community is dark skinned.

  16. #16
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    Hi Somebody, not sure if you were having a go at me, because I live in Spain, but not to worry, if you were, it saved someone else and I have a really thick skin.

    I know there have been a few highlighted incidents in Spain, but I still say that actually living here, and of course I have a Filipino wife and lots of Filipino friends, I and my wife are not aware of any problem, except maybe the odd look from visiting Brits when they see a 69 year old with a pretty 37 year old wife.

    And, as you say, racist remarks are in no way confined to one race type. To be 'fair skinned' in many countries is looked upon as being better than dark in many countries where the indigenous community is dark skinned.
    Not at all just i have a problem with the Spainish racists who seem to not get the offence they cause. I have had the prvillige to go to Spain and watch football and trust me the Policing there was shocking and some of the chanting and actions towards non white players was just not on..

    So please dont think it was aimmed at you.

    But while the UK has it fair share of people who think nearly all some people do is racist. Spain is the total opposite and seems to have many who dont see offending people as some do and the majority not opposing is as bad as doing it your self in my view.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  17. #17
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    I see the BNP will appear on Question Time tonight.

    As it is an hour later here, I have set the timer to record the prog. so that I may be better informed regarding what they 'say they stand for.'

  18. #18
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    I am just watching on TV a demonstration outside the BBC. Its difficulty to work out who are the yobs and bully boys !

  19. #19
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    I am just watching on TV a demonstration outside the BBC. Its difficulty to work who are the yobs and bully boys !
    plenty of thugs on show here and they are anti bnp !

  20. #20
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    When Geert Wilders was in London last week there were a load of Muslims protesting shouting "Down with freedom"(the very same freedom that allowed them to protest)one of them was interviewed and openly proclaimed they wanted the UK to be an islamic state,most in the crowd looked pakistani in origin,I have been to Pakistan on several occassions(I even know a pinay who lives there)small wonder they want to come to the UK,the country is f***ed up,sexually repressed,poverty strickenBit like Pinas,the rich are mega-rich,the poor are supressed,woe betide us if we are ever under islamic ruleWhen in rome

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    When Geert Wilders was in London last week there were a load of Muslims protesting shouting "Down with freedom"(the very same freedom that allowed them to protest)one of them was interviewed and openly proclaimed they wanted the UK to be an islamic state,most in the crowd looked pakistani in origin,I have been to Pakistan on several occassions(I even know a pinay who lives there)small wonder they want to come to the UK,the country is f***ed up,sexually repressed,poverty strickenBit like Pinas,the rich are mega-rich,the poor are supressed,woe betide us if we are ever under islamic ruleWhen in rome
    An old friend once told me about his father (a deeply, devout Muslim), who would refer to Islamists as asylum seekers.. Because there wasn't a country for them to go back to, and there was no other country with the kind of laws they wanted.. So they were stuck here

    And to a point, he was right! One of the principles of the Islamist movement is the so called "Caliphate", or world wide Islamic state. Now, most Pakistani people would go to war against such an idea. The Turks... Apart from having a disdain for the Arabs, their army would turn that country into a new Beirut if Islamic dictatorship took over, a full scale civil war.. So the Islamist movement is simply a pipe dream. Only a very small minority would even consider it!

    But again, our freedom of speech allows these hateful people to say what they want. And to that extent, I support them. Until they start calling for death to those who insult Islam. When I hear them giving out that kind of rant, even I want to call them out and draw their anger. But I think a line needs to be drawn somewhere, and it should be made very clear. If you think your religious beliefs allow you to preach hate and violence? Preach it in Prison! Coz that's where we would send you....

  22. #22
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Watch the news,most of the BBC protesters are middle-class noodle-knitting limp wristed white kids who are doing their protests against Nick Griffiths being allowed freedom of speech but why didnt they ever protest against Abu Hamzas rants outside finsbury park mosque when he burnt the union jack?Most of them have been nowhere,seen nowt,they are the free tibet trendy brigade who havent even been to tibet,give nick griffiths his say,I have been racially abused right here in the UK,by both a pakistani(which shocked me) and an african who didnt seem to like the idea I refused to inherit the guilt because of what the colonials had done to his country,I asked him how long does a wound take to heal,and reminded him the africans and the arabs were the worlds biggest slavers and its still possible to buy slaves in parts of africa whether indentured labourers or genuine heres a couple of hundred dollars give me her slaves,as for islam,saudi is pretty hardcore,if they want to reside in an islamic utopian extreme state they could always go to the worlds largest beach

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

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