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  1. #1
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    My fear is that, not content with a couple of seats in Europe, they will gain some in Parliament.... And that is something which may drag democracy down the pan...

    Aromulus. I am not a supporter of BNP, nor any extreme group who seek to impose their will on others, but doesn't 'democracy' imply all should be allowed their view. If not, then its a slippery slope to, those who can decide who can be represented and those who cant, with the result: no democracy.

    Isn't it better that the majority can be allowed to ridicule those, on ALL SIDES, with whom they do not agree?

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    but doesn't 'democracy' imply all should be allowed their view.
    You are right.

    But in a case like this there should be exceptions.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    You are right.

    But in a case like this there should be exceptions.
    But who will decide?

    At present in the UK I believe the law provides for extreme cases where there is incitement to act against another Group. Don't you think that is enough ?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    At present in the UK I believe the law provides for extreme cases where there is incitement to act against another Group. Don't you think that is enough ?
    Where is the enforcement..??

    Provisions of laws and enforcing them are two separate issues.
    The police are afraid to act in case they get sued for all sorts of ridiculous claims against them, or individual officers.
    Gone are the days of the copper on a white charger wading into the rioters... And restore peace.

    Authority has been eroded to nothing.
    And BNP is taking advantage of what has been put in front of them... A captive audience, sick and tired of their MPs not listening or acting on the collective wishes and fears.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    Gone are the days of the copper on a white charger wading into the rioters... And restore peace.
    Obviously haven't been on a demo recently then. In my experience they are worse than they ever were

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikemallorca View Post
    This weekend there is going to be a demonstation by muslims for Sharia law in this country !!!! would not this be an exception, its all we need to stir up more race hatred.... Unless the government dont do something about the mass immigration we have in this country, then parties like the BNP will flourish, and become popular..
    For me from what I know many Law abiding Muslims who are very religous dont want Sharia Law and prefer secular Law as they think like the Muslims in the past where they protected all religons living in their areas. They tend to ignore them as the extreme fringe tend to thrive on the attention i understand.

    So whatever extremist bigot they are dont give them the oxygen of publicty
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikemallorca View Post
    This weekend there is going to be a demonstation by muslims for Sharia law in this country !!!! would not this be an exception, its all we need to stir up more race hatred.... Unless the government dont do something about the mass immigration we have in this country, then parties like the BNP will flourish, and become popular..
    Sadly, these idiots are always out in force when ever the moment to get a bit of press comes along. Being in a minority of a minority, they like to shout loud and scream Jihad whenever the chance comes available. All in an effort to boost their own membership with disillusioned young Muslims.

    And yes. It is pathetic that they incite hatred and violence but the wimps in Government would rather ban a Dutch MP than begin criminal prosecutions on these shores against open and outright treason. When it comes to Geert Wilders, I truly think he is having a bit of a laugh when he says he wants the Qur'an banned, and compares it to Mein Kampf. Yes, the Qur'an inspires violence and so did Mein Kampf. But so did the Bible!

    I think one problem we have in this country, indeed this continent. Is that we are not naturally a nation of immigrants, making it difficult to adjust to the changes they bring. But Britain is changing, and in many ways for the better. But until we make it clear that integration is not an opt in or out option to all immigrants, we will have problems like this for some time to come!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post

    I think one problem we have in this country, indeed this continent. Is that we are not naturally a nation of immigrants, making it difficult to adjust to the changes they bring. But Britain is changing, and in many ways for the better. But until we make it clear that integration is not an opt in or out option to all immigrants, we will have problems like this for some time to come!

    Hey I thought most of the Whiteys i know are a bit this bit that very few are English back untill the 1700's say.

    The UK as far as im aware has had always had a lot of immigrants even if they are only from other european countries.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Hey I thought most of the Whiteys i know are a bit this bit that very few are English back untill the 1700's say.

    The UK as far as im aware has had always had a lot of immigrants even if they are only from other european countries.
    Yes we are all immigrants

    Allow me to explain.. When my parents came to the UK, they settled down and had a family. Just like most immigrants, arriving and settling in and making a home for themselves.

    The people in the video link I posted are not interested in just settling down. They want special privileges! They want Sharia (Sharia literally means law, so the word in itself is enough).. They want the natives to change their way of life for the one proposed by a tiny minority of people. And they will mention freedom of speech when people criticize their inflammatory ramblings, but prescribe the death penalty for a Danish cartoonist or a Dutch MP who says some insensitive things at times which they find insulting...

    99% of immigrants to this country accept the laws of the land and the liberal views of the populace. These people - do not!

  10. #10
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    Yes we are all immigrants

    Allow me to explain.. When my parents came to the UK, they settled down and had a family. Just like most immigrants, arriving and settling in and making a home for themselves.

    The people in the video link I posted are not interested in just settling down. They want special privileges! They want Sharia (Sharia literally means law, so the word in itself is enough).. They want the natives to change their way of life for the one proposed by a tiny minority of people. And they will mention freedom of speech when people criticize their inflammatory ramblings, but prescribe the death penalty for a Danish cartoonist or a Dutch MP who says some insensitive things at times which they find insulting...

    99% of immigrants to this country accept the laws of the land and the liberal views of the populace. These people - do not!
    i'm with northerner on this 1.i'm not racist at all but i believe you respect the way of life and country you live in.there is no freedom of speech in some of these muslim countries if i critisize a prophet i could be excecuted where i standi would be expected to obey their laws to the letter and any woman would have to cover up.when i hear that they want to invoke crazy relgious laws here and want to slowley conver us to islam i get for bloody local authorities banning xmas light as it may offend a muslim-don't even start me on that 1

  11. #11
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    but doesn't 'democracy' imply all should be allowed their view.
    i feel we should live in a country where we are allowed a uncensored and true democracy to air our views but this would just result in it being abused?

    it isnt just the BNP,its also the muslim extremist then we could have hardcore porn shown at primetime....seems to me people cant be trusted so we need laws
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

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