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Thread: The BNP

  1. #31
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam&chryss View Post
    If muslim can have their say then i`ll happily listen to the BNP.
    One of the problems in the UK is just this statement, confusing relgion with politics.
    Keith - Administrator

  2. #32
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    It is bags like these people who further the cause of the BNP

  3. #33
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Ah well, I'm proud to be Scottish ... even though I've only worn the National Dress on two occasions [both times hired] for a couple of close family weddings. But still, some of the Scot Nats' policies are a bit too extreme for my liking! On the other hand, I'm no great fan of the EU either.

  4. #34
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    It doesn't matter really, about ramblings on democracy, freedom of speech and all that blarney associated with it.....

    The truth of the matter is that the BNP is a bunch of obnoxious, racists, and despite a party constitution, they are not a party at all, but a rabble of ignorant hooligans.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    It doesn't matter really, about ramblings on democracy, freedom of speech and all that blarney associated with it.....

    The truth of the matter is that the BNP is a bunch of obnoxious, racists, and despite a party constitution, they are not a party at all, but a rabble of ignorant hooligans.
    are they? i'm no supporter, but, is there actual evidence of that?

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Hubbard View Post
    are they? i'm no supporter, but, is there actual evidence of that?
    I reckon that your long stay in Pinas has kept you away from snippets of UK news, you will have a lot of catching up to do after you are back ....

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    I reckon that your long stay in Pinas has kept you away from snippets of UK news, you will have a lot of catching up to do after you are back ....
    maybe i should search recent news then

  8. #38
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  9. #39
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    I wonder what the intentions of these parties is in UK, and if there are any fundamental objections which could be applied to them (any any other similar groups) and BNF ?

    Al Muhajiroun

    I also heard on the BCC, it may not be correct and if so please correct me, that at the end of Muslim service, when the Christians would say something to the effect 'Go in Peace' they say ‘death to all infidels’ to which the reply is ‘amen'

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  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    when the Christians would say something to the effect 'Go in Peace' they say ‘death to all infidels’ to which the reply is ‘amen'
    It wouldn't surprise me in the least.....

    But then it could be expected from a creed that advocates death to gays, adulterers, apostasy, and heavens knows what other minor transgressions....

    So basically, in my mind, it seems to be rather tribal, run by fear and subjugation...

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    The worse thing you could do with the BNP and other extremist bigoted groups is to ban them make them seem daring to be part off to some.

    Like the police do let them say in the public eye where they can keep an eye on them, they dont seem exciting to those who want to rebel.

    Look at clockwork orange i remeber it being exciting to watch a video of when tyounger now since its shown on TV now and then its lost all the appeal.

    Banning or stopping people do something often has the wrong affect it seems.

    Im pretty Sure many young Muslim and White extremists just doing it to rebel. Many of their parents I bet were not sharing the same extreme views in fact more likely the opposite.

    Make the groups mundane and out argue them whoever the bigots are.
    Excellent response. The answer is that those right thinking people who oppose the views expressed by any party, need to stand up and make their own point.

    The problem is not the BNP but the quality of the political parties and their inability to tackle the root causes on which the BNP and others thrive. It is those problems of unemployment, extreme divides, and poor quality education that should be be tackled.

    We have had years of reports and change for change sake and still we have some of the poorest social areas. MPs need to be more accountable to the people that they serve and less tied to the party system.

    In my own view, we have given away Parliamentary control to the Executive. Parliament needs to take control back from the Government. The Government should be doing Parliaments bidding, not the other way around.

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    It doesn't matter really, about ramblings on democracy, freedom of speech and all that blarney associated with it.....

    The truth of the matter is that the BNP is a bunch of obnoxious, racists, and despite a party constitution, they are not a party at all, but a rabble of ignorant hooligans.
    Im glad you mentioned which party Could of been most of them
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  14. #44
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post

    The truth of the matter is that the BNP is a bunch of obnoxious, racists, and despite a party constitution, they are not a party at all, but a rabble of ignorant hooligans.
    Maybe we could label Labour as terrorists for invading another country on the back of our leader licking Bush
    Keith - Administrator

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    It doesn't matter really, about ramblings on democracy, freedom of speech and all that blarney associated with it.....

    The truth of the matter is that the BNP is a bunch of obnoxious, racists, and despite a party constitution, they are not a party at all, but a rabble of ignorant hooligans.
    Ahhh, I miss the UK, the ignorant hooligans

  16. #46
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Hubbard View Post
    Ahhh, I miss the UK, the ignorant hooligans
    They are all in Spain now taking advantage of the £1 EasyJet flights, a government policy to get them out the country!
    Keith - Administrator

  17. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    They are all in Spain now taking advantage of the £1 EasyJet flights, a government policy to get them out the country!
    LOL I wondered why they always show single fares!!! I was wondering who was buying all these single fares and now its a brillant goverment scheme well i never..
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  18. #48
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    LOL I wondered why they always show single fares!!! I was wondering who was buying all these single fares and now its a brillant goverment scheme well i never..
    They all have to walk home, and as they all lost their passports on a night out with a ladyboy, they all hang around Calais trying to sneak back in by hiding in the back of trucks
    Keith - Administrator

  19. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    They are all in Spain now taking advantage of the £1 EasyJet flights, a government policy to get them out the country!
    Well at 26C with clear blue sky and bright sun, as usual, no apparent racism, who could blame them !

  20. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    Well at 26C with clear blue sky and bright sun, as usual, no apparent racism, who could blame them !

    I thought all the rasicts in Spain are Football managers or watch F1
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  21. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    I thought all the rasicts in Spain are Football managers or watch F1
    That's as maybe, but its not apparent in every day life. Every body just gets on and if someones expresses an idea, nobody is looking to jump on it to find a reason to complain. Its just someone's comment, like it used to be in UK !

  22. #52
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    When she was Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith banned the visit over fears that it could pose a threat to public security. But her ruling was overturned by the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal this week.

    Mr Wilders, 46, said: “I am very happy to be here. I love the UK. Being here today in the UK is a victory. It is a victory for freedom of speech.

    good old AIT, their not racist, they let anyone in

  23. #53
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    Waste of time even talking about these turds:
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    It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.

  24. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    That's as maybe, but its not apparent in every day life. Every body just gets on and if someones expresses an idea, nobody is looking to jump on it to find a reason to complain. Its just someone's comment, like it used to be in UK !

    Which is still how most of the UK lives. But the BNP and racist insults are a different kettle of fish.

    Should English footballers and others have to put up with monkey chants?

    This was a good one

    As usual one of those doing it used the old line "I have many Oriental friends"

    Should Lewis Hamilton have to put up with this? It seems so, im sure spanish footballers in the UK would not..

    But you cant be racist in Spain, its just taking the mick out of people. So the next spainsh person I see in the UK I will call manuel or diago and mock his skin colour, call him a donkey killer and the fact he cant say jimmy

    Funny that i have heard of many Spainish people in spain complaining of racism in the UK and elsewhere. possibly they were like some Brits happy to hand it out but dont like it in return. In fact I have heard some of my Wifes family mainly the older ones happy to insult and disrespect other races and religons yet get upset if they hear of Phills being racially discrimated agaisnt
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  25. #55
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    Hi Somebody, not sure if you were having a go at me, because I live in Spain, but not to worry, if you were, it saved someone else and I have a really thick skin.

    I know there have been a few highlighted incidents in Spain, but I still say that actually living here, and of course I have a Filipino wife and lots of Filipino friends, I and my wife are not aware of any problem, except maybe the odd look from visiting Brits when they see a 69 year old with a pretty 37 year old wife.

    And, as you say, racist remarks are in no way confined to one race type. To be 'fair skinned' in many countries is looked upon as being better than dark in many countries where the indigenous community is dark skinned.

  26. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    One of the problems in the UK is just this statement, confusing relgion with politics.
    I couldnt agree more but it seems that most of the BNP policies seem to surround muslims and their beliefs so I guess thats politics and religion mixed.

  27. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    Hi Somebody, not sure if you were having a go at me, because I live in Spain, but not to worry, if you were, it saved someone else and I have a really thick skin.

    I know there have been a few highlighted incidents in Spain, but I still say that actually living here, and of course I have a Filipino wife and lots of Filipino friends, I and my wife are not aware of any problem, except maybe the odd look from visiting Brits when they see a 69 year old with a pretty 37 year old wife.

    And, as you say, racist remarks are in no way confined to one race type. To be 'fair skinned' in many countries is looked upon as being better than dark in many countries where the indigenous community is dark skinned.
    Not at all just i have a problem with the Spainish racists who seem to not get the offence they cause. I have had the prvillige to go to Spain and watch football and trust me the Policing there was shocking and some of the chanting and actions towards non white players was just not on..

    So please dont think it was aimmed at you.

    But while the UK has it fair share of people who think nearly all some people do is racist. Spain is the total opposite and seems to have many who dont see offending people as some do and the majority not opposing is as bad as doing it your self in my view.
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  28. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikemallorca View Post
    This weekend there is going to be a demonstation by muslims for Sharia law in this country !!!! would not this be an exception, its all we need to stir up more race hatred.... Unless the government dont do something about the mass immigration we have in this country, then parties like the BNP will flourish, and become popular..
    For me from what I know many Law abiding Muslims who are very religous dont want Sharia Law and prefer secular Law as they think like the Muslims in the past where they protected all religons living in their areas. They tend to ignore them as the extreme fringe tend to thrive on the attention i understand.

    So whatever extremist bigot they are dont give them the oxygen of publicty
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  29. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikemallorca View Post
    This weekend there is going to be a demonstation by muslims for Sharia law in this country !!!! would not this be an exception, its all we need to stir up more race hatred.... Unless the government dont do something about the mass immigration we have in this country, then parties like the BNP will flourish, and become popular..
    Sadly, these idiots are always out in force when ever the moment to get a bit of press comes along. Being in a minority of a minority, they like to shout loud and scream Jihad whenever the chance comes available. All in an effort to boost their own membership with disillusioned young Muslims.

    And yes. It is pathetic that they incite hatred and violence but the wimps in Government would rather ban a Dutch MP than begin criminal prosecutions on these shores against open and outright treason. When it comes to Geert Wilders, I truly think he is having a bit of a laugh when he says he wants the Qur'an banned, and compares it to Mein Kampf. Yes, the Qur'an inspires violence and so did Mein Kampf. But so did the Bible!

    I think one problem we have in this country, indeed this continent. Is that we are not naturally a nation of immigrants, making it difficult to adjust to the changes they bring. But Britain is changing, and in many ways for the better. But until we make it clear that integration is not an opt in or out option to all immigrants, we will have problems like this for some time to come!

  30. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post

    I think one problem we have in this country, indeed this continent. Is that we are not naturally a nation of immigrants, making it difficult to adjust to the changes they bring. But Britain is changing, and in many ways for the better. But until we make it clear that integration is not an opt in or out option to all immigrants, we will have problems like this for some time to come!

    Hey I thought most of the Whiteys i know are a bit this bit that very few are English back untill the 1700's say.

    The UK as far as im aware has had always had a lot of immigrants even if they are only from other european countries.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

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