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Thread: Slightly Scunnered

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  1. #1
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    Thumbs up The Great Stoosie

    Comprise lad, do some james brown

    My mom recalls it has been done before. In the early 1970 my mom recalled a new minister was in his 40s.By using the guitar it appeals to the young people(he thought) He played tunes akin to The Lord of the Dance.

    He thought by using that technique, and calling people brothers/sisters that this would attract more. It had the opposite affect. All people wanted was more fun games in the church hall which appeals to all,with the occasional hymn at the end.

    He aliened a whole group of people doing this. So be careful. Everyone left. It went down to 10% attendance.

    As for the older generation, he decided that no longer could the ladies do things like- guessing the weight of a cake, and similar other thing for fund raising. He stated that this akin to gambling. Not allowed by the Church Of Scotland. No longer could we have Bring and Buy sales using Bric-a-brac and cooking various goods, jumble sales and other traditional methods for fund raising activities.

    His reason for this- health and safety, and he did not believe in these activities. So all the groups, young mothers, the guild rebelled against him.

    There was a great Stoosie and he was gone within a year. Victory to tradition. We don't like rocking the boat!
    It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.

  2. #2
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
    comprise lad, do some james brown
    Do you mean 'compromise', Gary? Hmm, James Brown? ... I know a heck of a lotta people with THAT name ... !

  3. #3
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    At least YOU'LL no' be bamboozled wi' the word "scunnert" ... bein' a fellow Scot! Just thought it might be a good word to arouse folks' curiosity to an otherwise mundane topic - given the small percentage of Brits that actually attend church services nowadays.

  4. #4
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
    Comprise lad, do some james brown

    My mom recalls it has been done before. In the early 1970 my mom recalled a new minister was in his 40s.By using the guitar it appeals to the young people(he thought) He played tunes akin to The Lord of the Dance.

    He thought by using that technique, and calling people brothers/sisters that this would attract more. It had the opposite affect. All people wanted was more fun games in the church hall which appeals to all,with the occasional hymn at the end.

    He aliened a whole group of people doing this. So be careful. Everyone left. It went down to 10% attendance.

    As for the older generation, he decided that no longer could the ladies do things like- guessing the weight of a cake, and similar other thing for fund raising. He stated that this akin to gambling. Not allowed by the Church Of Scotland. No longer could we have Bring and Buy sales using Bric-a-brac and cooking various goods, jumble sales and other traditional methods for fund raising activities.

    His reason for this- health and safety, and he did not believe in these activities. So all the groups, young mothers, the guild rebelled against him.

    There was a great Stoosie and he was gone within a year. Victory to tradition. We don't like rocking the boat!
    Ah ... sorry, Gary, I guess my subsequent posts overlapped with yours! I see now that the James Brown you were referring to was the same Reverend gentleman whose "short-sighted" approach led to his tenure of office being equally short-lived in your mum's church.

    Yes ... in the end, these "new-fangled" notions very often prove to be the undoing of would-be "modernisers" like Rev Brown and his disciples. As you and I both know, people - the Scottish Presbyterians in particular - are fiercely proud of their old-fashioned traditions ... and none more so than the Kirk's followers. And already, whilst MY Church has had its share of new members, a substantial number of the staunch old 'die-hards' have, sadly, felt alienated and transferred their lines elsewhere ...

  5. #5
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    As an ethnic scot scunnered is NOTHING to me (meaning it's easy to understand), and having some family (uncles and aunties) who speak with a norn irish brogue, they say scundered, nevertheless....

    as a religious, and somewhat theologically educated (though, i may say, not an expert) myself, . . . . .

    why the heck did they let a young-ish man lead a kirk congregation of older people? Surely there was a congregation better fitted to this man, and perhaps a minister who matched more closely the demographic of your congregation could have been allotted???

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Hubbard View Post
    why the heck did they let a young-ish man lead a kirk congregation of older people? Surely there was a congregation better fitted to this man, and perhaps a minister who matched more closely the demographic of your congregation could have been allotted???
    I agree
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  7. #7
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Hubbard View Post

    why the heck did they let a young-ish man lead a kirk congregation of older people? Surely there was a congregation better fitted to this man, and perhaps a minister who matched more closely the demographic of your congregation could have been allotted???
    Quote Originally Posted by Sophie View Post
    I agree

    , folks. But then ... when the day came for appointing a *Nominating Committee *[referred to in the 3rd paragraph of my opening post] church members who could be bothered staying behind after morning service to vote, gathered together in small cliques to make sure of their voices being heard (politics and religion are not so very dissimilar in many ways!). And the upshot was, that at least 90% of those chosen to "represent the interests" of the congregation were less than middle-aged. Indeed, at least two of their number - both clad in denims - had barely finished university!!

    From then on, it seemed almost a foregone conclusion that the likely choice of this newly-elected group would be for a youthful, dynamic leader suited to a 21st Century style of worship ... with the main aim of attracting a greater number of young people to God's House ...

    ... "and so" [to quote a Biblical phrase] "it came to pass ... "

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post

    From then on, it seemed almost a foregone conclusion that the likely choice of this newly-elected group would be for a youthful, dynamic leader suited to a 21st Century style of worship ... with the main aim of attracting a greater number of young people to God's House ...

    ... "and so" [to quote a Biblical phrase] "it came to pass ... "
    I guess that the upshot of this is that it means that the church won't die when its older congregants do.

  9. #9
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Hubbard View Post
    I guess that the upshot of this is that it means that the church won't die when its older congregants do.
    Exactly!... you've GOT it in a 'oner', James. And it's strange to think that I was first married in that church long before its present spiritual leader was e'en a "twinkle in his mum's eye! Must be getting old!

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