Hi Maria, we have the same symptoms. You are not alone
Only is, i am 45 and been 7mos now that im not havin my monthly period. Very awful to have hormonal imbalance. Sometimes i am cryin bitterly without any reason. I am very sensitive, even a simple joke makes me very upset. I even tried to kill myself when my hubby shout at me when im in the room alone sobbing. Good thing, the voice of God is more louder and i look up above and repent. Doctor diganosed i am depressed and gave me anti depressant tablets which makes me very ill. I was in bed whole day, cant get up to look after my hubby so i decided to stopped takin them. I am laughing because they gave me friends to keep in touch with when i am sad nut i found out they are all have mental prob. So i make decision; stand up, cheer up, and deal with my feelings.

Sweetheart, what you are now at the moment will surely past. Its hard if our hubby cant understand us but dont give in to your feeling. Look forward honey, to your future. If your feelin low, go out and make a way to cheer yourself. Being busy is very helpful. If you feel selfpity, refuse it! Count your blessing and think what is life in the future. Remember, not everyday is dark, one day "the sun will surely shine"..

I wish i was with you, so we can deal this feelin both