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    Respected Member Queenbee's Avatar
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    Advice on ma first ever trip to the uk...

    Heya guys!I have now ma eticket!Yesterday my bf and i talked about the FINAL dates and he booked the ticket already...Flying via Cathay pacific CEB-HK-LONDON..,The flight cost about $1193.87,and thats the cheapest one he cud find so he booked that flight,,,I dnt really mind stayin 6 hours in HKme likey shoppin there!loads of nice stuff! i can also relax and take a hot shower there in the Traveller's lounge before i get to fly again to london!!!yehey feelin fresh and all and not looked stressed!Uncool,,,

    Anyayzzz the next thing when i arrive at the London Airport,i arrive in the mornin about 6 am the next day,,,,are they lods of people that time??hope not...And besides the application and invitation letter guys what do i need???
    Im travellin early as expected coz i anna be there at ma bf's 30th bday! and also spend our first valentines together so 3 months,,It wud be ok right???wouldnt wanna miss it....HELP ME HELP ME...Bought his pressies already today as me sooo excited,hehehe....A cool postman bag and toiletries*perfume and bodywash for men,YAY!You think he'll love it?Hope he's gonna love it and of course a card and ME!hehe

  2. #2
    Respected Member abby's Avatar
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    ay girl, daghan jud nag tao... sure na!

  3. #3
    Respected Member Queenbee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by abby View Post
    ay girl, daghan jud nag tao... sure na!
    toink mahal na uban flights dai ,Twice the price sa akong flight ron especially if i fly in december....Dai is it really ok dai???i nt have a prob in the security check??i got 6 months dba,stay ko 3 months lng.He made a new invitation letter to present it ig abot nako airport,,,

    Dai worried nasad ko i know im not gonna overstay....I got ma back n forth flights....

  4. #4
    Respected Member marlyn&kenny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Queenbee View Post
    toink mahal na uban flights dai ,Twice the price sa akong flight ron especially if i fly in december....Dai is it really ok dai???i nt have a prob in the security check??i got 6 months dba,stay ko 3 months lng.He made a new invitation letter to present it ig abot nako airport,,,

    Dai worried nasad ko i know im not gonna overstay....I got ma back n forth flights....
    what is uban ?queenbee? ....mmmm security check?i think if u hand carry liquids over 100 ml, they wont allow it.,.... sorry nawawala yata me sa topic nyo hehehe!!!!lol!!
    Happy trip and God bless queenbee
    Marlyn & Kenny forever

  5. #5
    Respected Member abby's Avatar
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    wala nay problema dai... you have the valid visa which says you can stay not more than 6 mos.... dont worry... naa man kay return ticket so no worries...

  6. #6
    Respected Member Queenbee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by abby View Post
    wala nay problema dai... you have the valid visa which says you can stay not more than 6 mos.... dont worry... naa man kay return ticket so no worries...
    unya dai in ma application possible dates i fly nya stay ko like a month but since effective na disy dsyun visa,nahan man sya naa ko ig bday nya,,,,basta back n forth flights ra dai nuh,,,,dili na sila mo check sa ato butang application nato nuh?

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Queenbee View Post
    Im travellin early as expected coz i anna be there at ma bf's 30th bday! and also spend our first valentines together so 3 months,,It wud be ok right???wouldnt wanna miss it....HELP ME HELP ME...
    you should be ok, as your visa is valid for upto 6 months

  8. #8
    Respected Member Queenbee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    you should be ok, as your visa is valid for upto 6 months
    tnx joebloggs!

  9. #9
    Respected Member abby's Avatar
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    nope... wala cla access sa imu application form na gisubmit.. ilang tan awon kay ang imung visa og letter from your bf.. Dont worry my dear....

  10. #10
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    Shop for woolly knickers.
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  11. #11
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Flying in on the early flight in to Heathrow Airport normally it turns up early and sometimes catchs the ground crew un aware so you have a little wait while they get the landing ramps in palce but gives you some time to get ready before the big exit.

    You will then follow everyone down to passport control, you will go to the non eu passport holders section and line up just let the person controlling the queue tell you what to do.

    Then you wait and queue up when ready move forward they will ask a few basic questions (my wife was on her first flight over to the uk on a spouse visa) so may have been a tad different. They ask a few questions nothing to panic a=bout they just seeing your genuine. They will most likely as your first visit ask you to have a scan that early in the morning it should not be busy in terminal three unless its changed its just to the right of you in a small room. With a desk and waiting area a person takes your details then you get scanned as i wa with the wife the lady at the desk took the details from me but nothng out of the ordinary.
    If your on six month visa the rules may be different im not sure or they decide (or forget) to you may not need to do this. Others who have come over on Visit visa will know.

    Once you done this you show the officer your paper work back at passport control and go round to the baggage belt to pick up your luggage.

    Then though customs and out to see ya mahal and ride off on his Motorbike to hampshire

    I dont think to be honest you need to much paperworks otherwise you look like your looking for employment. Just the stuff you showed your going back to phill after your stay.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  12. #12
    Respected Member Queenbee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Flying in on the early flight in to Heathrow Airport normally it turns up early and sometimes catchs the ground crew un aware so you have a little wait while they get the landing ramps in palce but gives you some time to get ready before the big exit.

    You will then follow everyone down to passport control, you will go to the non eu passport holders section and line up just let the person controlling the queue tell you what to do.

    Then you wait and queue up when ready move forward they will ask a few basic questions (my wife was on her first flight over to the uk on a spouse visa) so may have been a tad different. They ask a few questions nothing to panic a=bout they just seeing your genuine. They will most likely as your first visit ask you to have a scan that early in the morning it should not be busy in terminal three unless its changed its just to the right of you in a small room. With a desk and waiting area a person takes your details then you get scanned as i wa with the wife the lady at the desk took the details from me but nothng out of the ordinary.
    If your on six month visa the rules may be different im not sure or they decide (or forget) to you may not need to do this. Others who have come over on Visit visa will know.

    Once you done this you show the officer your paper work back at passport control and go round to the baggage belt to pick up your luggage.

    Then though customs and out to see ya mahal and ride off on his Motorbike to hampshire

    I dont think to be honest you need to much paperworks otherwise you look like your looking for employment. Just the stuff you showed your going back to phill after your stay.

    Thanx somebody!!!soooo much!youre really SOMEBODY!hehe
    so that ud be the return flights and ma invitation letter right,,,Dnt bring too much documents,,,,

  13. #13
    Respected Member Ji&Ma's Avatar
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    Glad to hear that you have your flights booked - but one question creeps up to my mind...
    Did your mahal booked over the internet or directly with airline?
    Just asking because you might need to prove that the booking is genuine (not made using fraud or stolen credit card) to the airline when checking-in on the airport. Would be better if he can send you scan of the front side ONLY of his card + "letter of support" saying that he used that card willingly to book your flight to UK. What I know that some airlines might start making some trouble if they re in doubt.
    I did the same for my mahal and she was OK on the airport - flying with Cathay as well and they actually asked her for the copy of my C.C. used for the booking when checking in at NAIA...
    Good luck
    Jiri & Maricel

  14. #14
    Respected Member Queenbee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ji&Ma View Post
    Glad to hear that you have your flights booked - but one question creeps up to my mind...
    Did your mahal booked over the internet or directly with airline?
    Just asking because you might need to prove that the booking is genuine (not made using fraud or stolen credit card) to the airline when checking-in on the airport. Would be better if he can send you scan of the front side ONLY of his card + "letter of support" saying that he used that card willingly to book your flight to UK. What I know that some airlines might start making some trouble if they re in doubt.
    I did the same for my mahal and she was OK on the airport - flying with Cathay as well and they actually asked her for the copy of my C.C. used for the booking when checking in at NAIA...
    Good luck
    he used his visa card i think in booking the flight online cathay pacific of course ith ma name in the reservation,,,....It said just present ma passport and eticket...thats ok right?

  15. #15
    Respected Member Ji&Ma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Queenbee View Post
    he used his visa card i think in booking the flight online cathay pacific of course ith ma name in the reservation,,,....It said just present ma passport and eticket...thats ok right?
    Please read this - it is from Cathay web pages their conditions about booking:

    Please note: The physical credit card used to pay for tickets must be presented by the cardholder for verification at check-in, or when collecting the tickets. Otherwise the cardholder must present the physical card used at the nearest Cathay Pacific Ticketing Office for verification prior to the flight departure.

    source: Cathay Pacific FAQ - Online booking

    But from our own experience it is enough to do it the way I described before - get your BF to scan (or copy) FRONT of the card and make the letter and to send it to you through e-mail, print it and present it when checking-in at the airport with your e-ticket.
    Jiri & Maricel

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ji&Ma View Post
    Please read this - it is from Cathay web pages their conditions about booking:

    Please note: The physical credit card used to pay for tickets must be presented by the cardholder for verification at check-in, or when collecting the tickets. Otherwise the cardholder must present the physical card used at the nearest Cathay Pacific Ticketing Office for verification prior to the flight departure.

    source: Cathay Pacific FAQ - Online booking

    But from our own experience it is enough to do it the way I described before - get your BF to scan (or copy) FRONT of the card and make the letter and to send it to you through e-mail, print it and present it when checking-in at the airport with your e-ticket.
    Reading this makes me so happy for you and I really cant wait to join my husband. Im just so frightened visa men will say no and I never see him again. He phones every day from uk and has just started new job from being redundant since feb09 but is so worried too that his bank funds are low. I read he needs 2-3 000£ but becauze he was unemployed for long time he used much funds.
    I hope my future is as happy as yours I really do. Mu husband sayd that heathro airport is big but if i get confused or lost just ask, you cant go wrong. Im so happy for you

  17. #17
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    I would second what Ji&Ma said, Cathay are very strict and may well ask for the credit card photocopy plus consent to use

    enjoy Hampshire, many years ago I used to live near Hamble overlooking the Solent and Cowes on the Isle of Wight. Ask your honey to take over from Southsea on the small hovercraft, my honey loved it!!!
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  18. #18
    Respected Member Queenbee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ji&Ma View Post
    Please read this - it is from Cathay web pages their conditions about booking:

    Please note: The physical credit card used to pay for tickets must be presented by the cardholder for verification at check-in, or when collecting the tickets. Otherwise the cardholder must present the physical card used at the nearest Cathay Pacific Ticketing Office for verification prior to the flight departure.

    source: Cathay Pacific FAQ - Online booking

    But from our own experience it is enough to do it the way I described before - get your BF to scan (or copy) FRONT of the card and make the letter and to send it to you through e-mail, print it and present it when checking-in at the airport with your e-ticket.

    ok thanx very much guys,ill do that...Just in case,dnt anna mess things up,,lol..ive travelled before to Germany and Spain for a holiday..Had a german bf before for 3 years..ay story..Anywayss he used a Visa mastercard or smethin in booking online, i just presented ma passport and visa..

    This is just what ive known and read...
    If your Electronic Ticket was purchased from using Visa's Verified by Visa or MasterCard SecureCode, you will NOT be asked to show the credit card used to pay for your ticket at check-in on departure.
    However if your Electronic Ticket purchase was made NOT USING Verified by Visa or MasterCard SecureCode you will need to show your credit card either at check-in or at any Cathay Pacific office prior to travel.
    The person named on the credit card does not need to be the person travelling, but the actual credit card used for purchase must be presented for verification otherwise you may be asked to make a cash or alternative credit card payment at check-in.

  19. #19
    Restricted Access September's Avatar
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    That quite expensive Miss queenbee,anyway its fine because he wont bother how expensive it was,the most important thing is you;ll gonna be together,I bought mine return ticket cost £ 389 or 700 us$,

  20. #20
    Respected Member Queenbee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by September View Post
    That quite expensive Miss queenbee,anyway its fine because he wont bother how expensive it was,the most important thing is you;ll gonna be together,I bought mine return ticket cost £ 389 or 700 us$,

    really???the next time we be up to date.. what airline is that??london heathrow airport right???

  21. #21
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Congratulations and have a safe trip to England :-) Listen to Ji&Ma's advice.

  22. #22
    Respected Member Ji&Ma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Hubbard View Post
    Cathay pacific are probably one of the best airlines I have used.

    Beware of the credit card issue, although, from what I can remember they never asked it from me, but HK people being what they're like, just be very safe.

    Yes, it's expensive, but it's cathay, it's quality.
    I like to fly with them too, my fav airline
    About the credit card - if you are travelling personally they do not need to see your C.C. - it is enough for them to see that name in their booking system matches the name in the passport presented at check-in. But it is different case when the person who made the booking isn't travelling on the flight - they just want to be sure that it is not fraud, so that's why they need to see the copy I think

    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post
    Congratulations and have a safe trip to England :-) Listen to Ji&Ma's advice.
    Thanks for the blob J&Z
    Jiri & Maricel

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Queenbee View Post
    Heya guys!I have now ma eticket!Yesterday my bf and i talked about the FINAL dates and he booked the ticket already...Flying via Cathay pacific CEB-HK-LONDON..,The flight cost about $1193.87,and thats the cheapest one he cud find so he booked that flight,,,I dnt really mind stayin 6 hours in HKme likey shoppin there!loads of nice stuff! i can also relax and take a hot shower there in the Traveller's lounge before i get to fly again to london!!!yehey feelin fresh and all and not looked stressed!Uncool,,,

    Anyayzzz the next thing when i arrive at the London Airport,i arrive in the mornin about 6 am the next day,,,,are they lods of people that time??hope not...And besides the application and invitation letter guys what do i need???
    Im travellin early as expected coz i anna be there at ma bf's 30th bday! and also spend our first valentines together so 3 months,,It wud be ok right???wouldnt wanna miss it....HELP ME HELP ME...Bought his pressies already today as me sooo excited,hehehe....A cool postman bag and toiletries*perfume and bodywash for men,YAY!You think he'll love it?Hope he's gonna love it and of course a card and ME!hehe

    Good for you - that you got your eticket.

    Cathay pacific are probably one of the best airlines I have used. I think i've flown with them about 6 or 7 times. I chose them for my honeymoon flight.

    Beware of the credit card issue, although, from what I can remember they never asked it from me, but HK people being what they're like, just be very safe.

    Yes, it's expensive, but it's cathay, it's quality.

    I love to have stopover in HK also. My fave place in asia so far tbh!

    To answer your question, yes at 6am there should be quite a few people in Heathrow from my experience.

    as for any other questions you asked - they have already been answered.

    Enjoy your holiday.

  24. #24
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Hants huh?Very nice,your only a short distance away,ask your boyfriend to take you to Windsor Castle,Windsor is a beautiful place,and pop over to Hampton Court Palace,and try and squeeze in a Thames cruise,do one from Kingston,West London is the best part of the city(Maybe I am being bias)whatever you do,wherever you go,your going to have a great time Heathrow at 6am is just starting to Buzz,the permiter road has a decent flow of traffic,your not loading all your bags onto a motorbike for the trip to Hants are you Back of a bike on a crisp,sharp autumnal morningBetter wear your thermals

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
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  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    Hants huh?Very nice,your only a short distance away,ask your boyfriend to take you to Windsor Castle,Windsor is a beautiful place,and pop over to Hampton Court Palace,and try and squeeze in a Thames cruise,do one from Kingston,West London is the best part of the city(Maybe I am being bias)whatever you do,wherever you go,your going to have a great time Heathrow at 6am is just starting to Buzz,the permiter road has a decent flow of traffic,your not loading all your bags onto a motorbike for the trip to Hants are you Back of a bike on a crisp,sharp autumnal morningBetter wear your thermals
    West is best as the wind travels from west to east as a rule so those who can live upwind of London

    Kingston is a good place to visit plenty of shops and places to eat. Windsor is very nice to and you may meet the other Queen (well if Lady J there )

    Hampton Court is also a another place of beauty you should vist I grew up with my bedroom overlooking at it which was great apart from the blooming fireworks parties that started late on a school night
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  26. #26
    Respected Member Queenbee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    Hants huh?Very nice,your only a short distance away,ask your boyfriend to take you to Windsor Castle,Windsor is a beautiful place,and pop over to Hampton Court Palace,and try and squeeze in a Thames cruise,do one from Kingston,West London is the best part of the city(Maybe I am being bias)whatever you do,wherever you go,your going to have a great time Heathrow at 6am is just starting to Buzz,the permiter road has a decent flow of traffic,your not loading all your bags onto a motorbike for the trip to Hants are you Back of a bike on a crisp,sharp autumnal morningBetter wear your thermals

    nyahaha funny!id be carrying a massive luggage on top of ma
    Really???id have to include that on ma list then,,lol,,,Cant wait to wear ma on biker gear.yahooo!!!

  27. #27
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    Have a safe trip to uk queenbee
    "10% of life is made up of what happens to you, 90% is decided by how you react"
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  28. #28
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    just make it sure you hand carry your chest x-ray...have a safe trip....

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    Hey Queenbee..make sure you have all the important documents in your hand luggage and the chest x-ray. About your eticket, if its purchased via credit card you need to fill up a from since your bf is not travelling with you. Make him scan or photocopy the front and back of the card. Atleast that is what I know when my husband booked my flight but it was with Singapore Airline. My husband was travelling with me so we didn't have to go through all that paper work. Don't know if Cathay Pacific does that. It may help if you ring them on what necessary things you should do.

    Have a safe trip and enjoy the Cold weather :!

  30. #30
    Respected Member Ji&Ma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jane2009 View Post
    just make it sure you hand carry your chest x-ray...have a safe trip....
    Quote Originally Posted by Jonnywina View Post
    Hey Queenbee..make sure you have all the important documents in your hand luggage and the chest x-ray. About your eticket, if its purchased via credit card you need to fill up a from since your bf is not travelling with you. Make him scan or photocopy the front and back of the card.
    NO NEED for the x-ray as she is coming just on the visitor visa for the time shorter than 6 months X-ray is needed whene coming in UK for time longer than 6 months or on settlement visa (fiancée, spouse)...

    No form with Cathay Pacific - Singapore Air might have different policy, but it wasn't necessary for my Maricel to fill up any form when checking-in, just to produce a scan of the front of my credit card used to book the flight.
    Jiri & Maricel

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