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Thread: settlement for kids

  1. #1
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    settlement for kids

    my filipina colleague got a daugther in the Phils she is 3 1/2 yrs old now she was born here out of wed lock that time by her filipino Bf but they are married now and her husband is here now and they both got PR status last year. they are going to to get the daugther next year. Is she classified as dependant or on a settlement route and do you think how much it is now?

    another thing is, her husband got a child on previous marriage i think around 10 yrs old now, is it possible for them to get the child too. the problem is the husband don't have a regular contact to the child who is living with his grandparents and he is not supporting the child either and her ex wife got her own family now as well.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheesewiz View Post
    my filipina colleague got a daugther in the Phils she is 3 1/2 yrs old now she was born here out of wed lock that time by her filipino Bf but they are married now and her husband is here now and they both got PR status last year. they are going to to get the daugther next year. Is she classified as dependant or on a settlement route and do you think how much it is now?

    another thing is, her husband got a child on previous marriage i think around 10 yrs old now, is it possible for them to get the child too. the problem is the husband don't have a regular contact to the child who is living with his grandparents and he is not supporting the child either and her ex wife got her own family now as well.
    the 3 1/2yr old was born in the uk ? and the mother has at least ILR ?
    if so i think the child can be registered as british at the british embassy.

    as for the other child i doubt it, no sole responsibility or custody of the child

  3. #3
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    the 3 1/2yr old was born in the uk ? and the mother has at least ILR ?
    if so i think the child can be registered as british at the british embassy.

    as for the other child i doubt it, no sole responsibility or custody of the child
    thanks for reply joe as always

    yeah the daughter was born here but she brought the baby back to Phils when she is 5 months old bec she can't work if the baby is here. Then, that time she finally married the father of tha baby and applied for him as her dependant now both of them got ILR. Sorry, she was born July 2006 around 4 years and 3 months now. Do you think they can registered the daugther in British embassy in Phils as British? They managed to change her BC here in UK with no problem to her father's name but in Phils they asking so many papers they went to Phils embassy twice already and this coming Nov they're going to go back again for additional papers just to change her BC to her father's name in Phils then again change her passport to her father's name as her passport in her mother's name...complicated

    i think that's the prob with the other child:( as he doesn't have a regular contact with him and not seen him regularly when he still in Phils sad to say.

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    yes, I know that if the baby was born in the UK and one parent has ILR then the baby can be registered in the UK as british, but as the baby is now in the phils i would have thought it would be the same, that they would have to register the child with the British embassy in the phils. I'm pretty certain i'm right, but get them to check with the embassy

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    they should bring the baby back, they might be entitled to tax creds and child care, oh and child benefit . oh the baby would be at nursery here

  6. #6
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikemallorca View Post
    Yea why not , another drain on the tax payer,
    why not they been working here in UK 6 days a week both of them 12hrs shift and paid big taxes every month for the last 6 years for sure they are entitled for it and soon they will be British citizen may be this coming Nov.

  7. #7
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    they should bring the baby back, they might be entitled to tax creds and child care, oh and child benefit . oh the baby would be at nursery here
    well, the story is for the last 4 years my friend never seen her daugther celebrating her bday at all and not really knows them as their parents except when they ring them every day if they can. another thing is by time she will be here she's 5 years old and going to school fulltime so they can still work as normal except my friend definitely can't work 12hrs shift anymore. so, i don't think they will be much burden to the govt bec they will still contibuting taxes as they do.

    I'll ask her to ring the emabssy in Phils. thanks Joe

  8. #8
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    [QUOTE=mikemallorca;183728]Yea why not , another drain on the tax payer,[/QUOTE

    and who are the taxpayer? are they not one of them? so why not?
    If it's not life threatening IGNORE it .. .

  9. #9
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikemallorca View Post
    Yea why not , another drain on the tax payer,
    I really think that sort of sarcasm is OUT OF ORDER ... and, in this particular case, totally uncalled for!

  10. #10
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaishann View Post
    and who are the taxpayer? are they not one of them? so why not?
    Well said!

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikemallorca View Post
    Yea why not , another drain on the tax payer,[/QUOTE

    and who are the taxpayer? are they not one of them? so why not?
    I totally agree

    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    I really think that sort of sarcasm is OUT OF ORDER ... and, in this particular case, totally uncalled for!
    Same here
    "10% of life is made up of what happens to you, 90% is decided by how you react"
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  12. #12
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikemallorca View Post
    Yea why not , another drain on the tax payer,
    they've paid their taxes just like everyone else, but unlike everyone else they are not been able to claim any of it back until at least one of them has ILR, that means 5yrs of paying for most of those on work permits, unlike the Europeans in the UK who only have to work 1yr here to claim any of it

    so instead of moaning about those on work permits who are working their off, go and complain about Europeans who are claiming

  13. #13
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikemallorca View Post
    You forget we are in the EU , and we can work in the european union the same way that europeans can work here, we can not stop that.. But the government can stop NON EUROPEANS, coming to the UK , working, but then sending all the money back home....... We have enough europeans to fill all the vacancies that we need, we cant give work to all the world... .
    how could i forget were in the EU when was the last vote on staying in the EU ? 30yrs ago.

    so if i go and work in Poland, the polish tax payer will pay for my kids in the UK , .......... , but Polish working in the UK can claim for their kids living in Poland.

    how can they send all their money back home , I'm sure they are like most Brits OR Europeans living here, by the time you've paid your bills there isn't much left and what right has anyone to say what people can do or not do with their own money.

    I've sat thru a long and boring talk given by some rich filipina who lives in the USA and the Phils at my misses degree award ceremony, saying they should stay in the phils and not leave. what a hypocrite, why should my misses stay in the phils and earn 1/20 a month of what she can earn in the UK, WOULD YOU ?. the phils gov didn't pay for her uni fees, her mom worked long hours to get her thru uni, not once but twice, like most Filipino parents they worked and struggled to get their kids thru uni and a better life, and most of them kids will try to repay the debts and sacrifices their parents made.

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