Quote Originally Posted by mikemallorca View Post
I dont think its because they love the country, its because with a British passport you are free to travel and work in most of europe... To really be any citizen of a country , you have to go back generations. grandparents = great grandparents, to know history, to be able to say " yes i remember when that happened, " to walk down a street and remember what it was like in the old days etc..... I dont blame the filipinos who take up British Passports, my sister married an american and took up a USA passport. BUT,
she did it for ease of living in the USA , work and travel... NOt because she felt a love of america... She is and always will be british.... So just come out in the open and say the real reason why... dont pretend
My wife and I never hide the reason for her getting a British citizenship. It was for ease of travel, the ease of living here, and the fact that even if we move to the Philippines for many years she can always return back here. If I made another country my home if I could I would take up the citizenship of that country if it gave me advantages, but it wouldn't change me.

I disagree though that someone needs their great grandparents to be born in a country to make you a citizen of that country. By that reckoning you're saying that it would take several generations of mine and my wife's descendants before they could call themselves British?