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Thread: Advice for a Friend

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  1. #1
    Restricted Access September's Avatar
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    I can feel why the eldest kid doesnt want to go, Barkada or friends.

    If your friend didnt struggle financially I would tell her to stay where ever she are (w/ kids) living in the UK is not really paradise, you would struggle to the weather here and things are way to expensive.

  2. #2
    Respected Member bless.books's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by September View Post
    I can feel why the eldest kid doesnt want to go, Barkada or friends. If your friend didnt struggle financially I would tell her to stay where ever she are (w/ kids) living in the UK is not really paradise, you would struggle to the weather here and things are way to expensive.
    Hello September! Thanks for this. It is a question of being away from husband, fear of going astray ... women intuition

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by September View Post
    I can feel why the eldest kid doesnt want to go, Barkada or friends.

    If your friend didnt struggle financially I would tell her to stay where ever she are (w/ kids) living in the UK is not really paradise, you would struggle to the weather here and things are way to expensive.
    That could be said, but it's a matter of perspective. Like the climate here, some love it, some hate it. I have met Filipinos who loved snow and cold temperatures!

    As for the expensive side, it really depends on what part of the UK. I mean, if it's London or Big City, things can get expensive.

    What you also must remember is that price sometimes equals value.

    You can buy a cheap computer, but it'll be a crap one!

    Spend a few thousand pounds on a laptop, and it'll be an awesome computer!

    It's all a matter of perspective.

    When you go to the west, it's advisable to leave your eastern mindset behind, or you'll never enjoy it in the UK,

    my 2 centavos

  4. #4
    Respected Member bless.books's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Hubbard View Post
    That could be said, but it's a matter of perspective. Like the climate here, some love it, some hate it. I have met Filipinos who loved snow and cold temperatures! As for the expensive side, it really depends on what part of the UK. I mean, if it's London or Big City, things can get expensive. What you also must remember is that price sometimes equals value. You can buy a cheap computer, but it'll be a crap one! Spend a few thousand pounds on a laptop, and it'll be an awesome computer! It's all a matter of perspective. When you go to the west, it's advisable to leave your eastern mindset behind, or you'll never enjoy it in the UK, my 2 centavos
    Hello James! My friends are quite well-off, meaning it is not an average family we are talking here not like the one you probably seen/observed. The husband is not working abroad bec he needs it but bec he was moved by his employer. The wife is working by choice bec she is bored just staying at home. Kids are in private schools that they pay huge amount. Whereas if they move, these will be shouldered by the company and the advantage of experiencing other culture/education system. They have relatives in the US, working as professionals and they have the option to live there for good if they want to. They choose to stay in the Philippines. And by the way they are well-travelled family.

    It is more of a concern on the relationship as a family - being together and why not, if there is a free education!?

    Anyway, thanks for your 2 centavos? I would rather draw a very constructive advice from you rather than pointing out something else.

  5. #5
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Are you the lady in question Bless?Is it your family?If thats the case only you can truly decide whats best for yourself and your children,we all follow different paths but hope you follow the right one for your personal circumstances

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  6. #6
    Respected Member bless.books's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    Are you the lady in question Bless?Is it your family?If thats the case only you can truly decide whats best for yourself and your children,we all follow different paths but hope you follow the right one for your personal circumstances
    Hello Tawi2! Thank you very much for your words and how nicely you put it. To answer, nope ... this is not my family though she is a very close friend of mine and I am affected in a way bec I know them. So, to add more to what I've said, I decided to put this one here. This is my way of helping her. I am very sure that she will be very grateful. Your comments/suggestion are valuable. It makes one see the other angle. And maybe she can come up with a decision most beneficial to her family.

    If this is my family, it would really really be hard! And I would not know how am I going to handle it. I will go safe by saying, I'll cross the bridge when I get there.

  7. #7
    Respected Member bless.books's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by September View Post
    I can feel why the eldest kid doesnt want to go, Barkada or friends. If your friend didnt struggle financially I would tell her to stay where ever she are (w/ kids) living in the UK is not really paradise, you would struggle to the weather here and things are way to expensive.
    Hello again September! Yes, if I am the kid, I would feel the same. And probably would prefer staying considering the idea of freedom. You know what's it like, being told by parents Let me just add more to the info. They are a bit 'can afford' and it is not UK. Just another East Asian Country.

    Grateful if you could give another input. Thanks a lot!

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