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Thread: Panorama

  1. #1
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    have you watch this program? Sometimes that's the hardest part of being immigrant. I encountered some young people a bit abusive call you some names etc and i just avoiding them bec confronting them is not a good idea as young people here are very scary in my opinion if i saw a group of young people my first instinct is to avoid them right away although, in some cases you can't like in public transportation.

  2. #2
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Southmead I watched it,it was shocking,my sympathies lay with the poor lady To be fair though cheese its not only immigrants,I have been racially abused right here in the UK and also abroad

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  3. #3
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    Yes, I watched it and I was ashamed. I've spent a lot of time in Bristol and have always found it to be a friendly, tolerant, multicultural city.

    Those people in the program are the absolute scum of the earth. Completely worthless, criminal pieces of sh*t that will never amount to anything. Surely the police have enough evidence to charge them and hopefully send them to jail. They should get 10 years minimum!

  4. #4
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    I saw the panorama episode and its a shame for those ignorant people hurling abuse to the undercover reporters. Racial abuse in any form is not acceptable. I hope they not only get charged with asbo's but go to jail...

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    scum like them should be locked up, the 11yr old little needs a good

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikemallorca View Post
    THe government have to put a stop on massive immigration.. and only allow highly skilled migrants with means to support them selves to enter the UK
    yes stop the Europeans coming here, nearly 1 million polish

    HSM yes good idea, let them come and bring their families and take the well paid jobs

    those on workpermits support themselves , they can't claim anything until they have ILR

  7. #7
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    Just today I was walking down Market Street in Manchester and some yob was walking behind me growling to himself "All these fg Pi's" and stuff similar! So I slowed down so he could walk past me and I could take a good look at him, and what I saw made me think less of him than what he said..

    Being white, the only time I encountered what might be classed as racism was in Rusholme when a couple of young asian guys started on me and my then housemate. Simply because we were white or not Muslim looking. But this was more likely a reaction to some pent up anger from other encounters they have had in the past... At the time my only concern was for my housemate who was still quite young and was in training to be a Mixed Martial Arts fighter, and more than willing to hand out an "attitude adjustment" to these two. I just wanted him out of there before he did do something stupid to get us both arrested...

    But this yob I seen today did get me think. If I am walking through town and a similar yob gives similar abuse to Rizza when she is with me, how will I react? Hopefully, I will just move on and let the fool wallow in his self pity. But then again, it might be me trying to give my fellow mancunian a lesson in manners...

  8. #8
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    HSM yes good idea, let them come and bring their families and take the well paid jobs
    What's HSM, Joe?

  9. #9
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    What's HSM, Joe?
    Highly Skilled Migrants..
    " The people who mean something to your life are not rated "the best" don't have the most money, haven't won the greatest prizes....
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  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    What's HSM, Joe?
    as Pepe n Pilar have already said highly skilled migrants.

    you need at least a master degree now and so many points to get a Tier1 visa (was known in the past as HSMP)

    its a bit of a catch 22, those on tier1 can come here without a job offer, and apply for any job they like, but they have to earn i think its £20k a year, but many earn a lot more than that, the gov/tax payer has not paid for them to go to uni, so saving the tax payer money, but then again their getting some of the best paid jobs, jobs which ideally uk grads should be training to do or applying for

  11. #11
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    Okay.. Now that I have watched the show, previously only aware from a write up in the Guardian.. My thoughts

    The liberal go softly approach to scum like these needs to stop! I have no answers to offer as I am still angry over seeing such viciousness dished out to innocent people. And nothing makes me more angrier than the bullying attitude that some in this country see as their right.

    I would be more than happy to deny these scum council housing! If they can't live with their fellow man, why should we pay them to abuse us? Why should the taxpayer subsidize these lazy, ignorant people. Only for them to become a menace to society!?!

  12. #12
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheesewiz View Post
    have you watch this program? Sometimes that's the hardest part of being immigrant. I encountered some young people a bit abusive call you some names etc and i just avoiding them bec confronting them is not a good idea as young people here are very scary in my opinion if i saw a group of young people my first instinct is to avoid them right away although, in some cases you can't like in public transportation.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    Southmead I watched it,it was shocking,my sympathies lay with the poor lady To be fair though cheese its not only immigrants,I have been racially abused right here in the UK and also abroad

    Yep, we've watched it too, it was really appalling although provoked a fair bit too IMO (like: Just keep walking when someone is about to smack you one!)

    or Bristolian's aren't all racist? Most of them just attack everybody

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamesey View Post
    Yes, I watched it and I was ashamed. I've spent a lot of time in Bristol and have always found it to be a friendly, tolerant, multicultural city.

    Those people in the program are the absolute scum of the earth. Completely worthless, criminal pieces of sh*t that will never amount to anything. Surely the police have enough evidence to charge them and hopefully send them to jail. They should get 10 years minimum!
    Having watched that documentary, i would say thesame thing for those involved in causing racial verbal and physical harm
    They are indeed an absolute scum on this earth and completely worthless and will never amount to nothing....
    watching that program and seeing how this useless scumbags behaved made my blood really boil
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