Quote Originally Posted by sassy View Post
Hi JimHub
thanks for your reply. My b/f is the life and soul of any party usually! From what I have seen of him in the Philippines and with filipino friends over here. Yes all is ok with us, but it is a sticking point for me I'm afraid! I thought all filipinos were talkative?!
Problem is my sister has seen him laughing and talking ten to the dozen with his friends and was quite hurt he doesnt take any interest in her at all. I would feel the same too. We spent four days in Cornwall with her and he did not say one word to her the whole time!!
Thamks for the welcome.
Wow thats a bit extreme. What job does he have here, how long has he been in the UK?

What are his other filipino friends like with you and your family?

Maybe its fear of saying the wrong thing? Has he had a past relationship go belly up?
As James says quite a few Phill blokes I meet are very quiet and reserved it seems when talking to me yet joke around with their mates.
I put that down to our lack of English/Tagalog on our respective sides. They always come out of their shell after a while and after a beer or two normally.

Another question what is he like around his own family?

Turning the point of view round im often very quiet in front of my Wifes family and some of her Friends. Wh