Quote Originally Posted by sassy View Post
anyone have any ideas as to why my filipino b/f is very quiet in front of my friends and family? He is very talkative with his own filipino friends etc. Have been in a relationship with him for two years and he has been living in U.K. for 1 year already but always seems not to make any effort with them? He says it is the language barrier but his english is fluent! When I try talking to him about it he dismisses it. He isn't shy at all and will only answer them when spoken to. Obviously to the outsider this can appear rude and anti social. Even if one's english was very basic, anyone can have a simple conversation. But as I say there is no problem with this. What do you guys suggest I can do? Very difficult to talk to him about it.
If you were in the Philippines, I would say that it's normal. Here in the Visayas they call it Olaw and in tagalog they call it Hiya...

Sadly here, we gotta put up with it.

I don't know what his problem is if he's in the UK and he's the guy in the relationship. Don't know.

Filipinos tend to get really shy, even the astig type (the tough guy). It's one of those things that can come off as rude to us Brits. I don't know what to say other than, if it's that, maybe he's very very shy, ... other than that, maybe it's something else, maybe something deeper.

Is everything OK between you and him -- as normal? If so, then it's probably shyness. If not, it's probably something else, deeper.

BTW, i haven't seen you here before, so let me say WELCOME
