You're welcome Pocahontas. Thanks for appreciating my tips. It's my pleasure to share some more tips to you. Yes i know there are gyms that has to reach a quota by giving out promos like this one. It is to their advantage right? As a costumer we also have to know what is right for us and what kind of exercise we have to indulge in.
I hope you're being guided by the gym instructors everytime you use the machine or no need for those who already has been enrolled before because they already have an idea.
I have learned that we only have to stay 5-10 mins on the treadmill if we want to maintain our present body weight and 20 mins if we want to lose weight. And those thigh machines, for abs, arms, legs, etc. etc. just 5lbs-10lbs or 15lbs eventually. Those can be done gradually. Oh...So many tips to share
I hope you're enjoying, it sure is enjoyable especially the sauna..
Take care.