Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
No, nothing to do with computers.

I have just been on a conference in Cebu where the subject was ' Should Western Political Correctness be extended worldwide?'

Of course, my interest was aroused as to how this subject should be approached - particularly in a country where female subservience is still predominant amongst the poverty stricken societies.

Added to this, I was eager to hear what would be expounded as far as our own 'European Restrictions on Free Speech' would be concerned. I mean, are the Philippines going to insist on 'straight bananas?' Are Filipino children no longer allowed to sing 'Baa baa black sheep?'

I'm sure that you know where I'm coming from - so, my question is thus - what are YOUR views on 'Political Correctness?'

Maybe this thread might be a 'BIGGIE' - but, please, no aggro or falling out eh? We have had so many bannings lately that I fear that soon there will be none of us left.

Peace, love and lust.


P.S. My new big, red chopper is throbbing between my legs every day when I go to work. (Sorry, is that not PC anymore?)
Western Political Correctness! definitely no!

It's gone too far, people can't joke, can't relax.

Yes there are boors who will speak uncomfortably at any time but lets get back to a situation where the good people deal with the bad by expression of their own views rather than trying to follow some constantly changing code of correctness.

Morality and the way you treat others comes from the home, it's how you are brought up, that means there will always be a great variety of views on all subjects.

It could be said that Western PC has come about precisely because of this process of discussion; problem is that at this time I don't agree with all of it, there are always good aspects and bad aspects.

Ach such big subject don't really know where to start, "PC" is such an all encompassing subject it infiltrates every part of our lives now.

Take one small aspect, as a photographer this affects me, it is not PC to take pictures in a public park in the UK any more because of huge hysterical overreaction by large vocal parts of the community.


Probably because it has been in the media's interest for many years to publish stories that play on the fears of a great many ordinary people to the point where a hysterical feedback loop generates a PC "opinion" that a man taking a photograph in a public place where children may play must be a paedophile.

Yes some of them will be but the numbers are so tiny that the rights of the many are being curtailed for little gain.

Bad example probably because I am sure it will raise a lot of hackles.

I think the idea that there is one correct PC is the problem, the values of a society are what they create from the sum total of their history and their people it's what gives the world the wonderful variety that makes it a place worth living in.

Too big a subject, my brain hurts
