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    BNP on question time.

    I said earlier I would opine on QT with Nick Griffin once I had seen it. I have seen it now, and I hope this is the right place to put it!

    so . . . here goes . .. (it's my thoughts off the cuff)

    My thoughts on Nick Griffin’s appearance on Question Time!

    It’s the Nick Griffin show!

    It’s all about Nicky boy, it seems that there’s nothing else!

    Black man at the front of the crowd got very angry – Griffin loved that because he’s a … stirrer.

    At this point, I don’t understand – Nicky boy is in politics . . . but politics is all about collecting people – so you can get into power! I don’t get it! People hate the man, so does that make him a failure in politics?

    The way the host said “Youtube” is funny!

    A non violent KKK? The American black lady didn’t like that one. Don’t even go there hitler . . . Griffin!

    The host doesn’t know the difference between brown and green pullovers.

    OK, answering jew boy Griffs looks like a real idiot, nuff said.
    So far Jack Straw is looking strong.

    When all the other panelists teamed up on griffin, I just thought “BURN” he got roasted.

    Tariq Ali wants to know why islam is a “wicked and vicious faith” . . . well, Mr Ali, I can answer that one for you – I have pressed pause, so I don’t know what Griffers is gonna say, but …

    Inbreeding, marrying your cousins, proclaiming death to all unbelievers, quaranic permission to beat your wife, honour killings, female genital mutilation . . . hmmm, want more Mr Ali?

    Ok, unpause now so I can hear what grifster has to say (let me get another beer first)

    Ahhh, nice beer na beer, tastes good . . . so . . . Back and unpause …

    Ok, so far, I agree with everything Mr Griffin has to say about Islam. It’s cruel and wicked. The audience like it too . . .he gets scattered applause.
    Ok, so what’s his policy for islam? A truce with islam, let the muslims run their own countries, if they come here they can be british …
    I’m all for it no complaints there!

    OMG, I’m agreeing with griffin!!! It’s ok, I’m sure he’ll say something nasty soon and normal programming will be resumed!
    Although, the idea that Britain always has been a Christian country . . . hmm, not too sure about that now.

    Asian lady on panel, British but speaks with faintly Pakistani accent! I will never understand that, although I do know why – lack of integration with rest of society . . . let’s integrate! I’m sure griffin probably enjoys ebony night on the playboy channel anyway . . . and he’s a repressed homosexual.

    Brummy fella in suit (always gonna look shady) sounding like “blessbooks” asking Nickers about if he’s travelled around the world . . . woteva.

    Bangladeshi fella wants to talk theology and eschatology . . . a muslim and a politician discussing eschatological theology? No thank you. Ok, history chick starts talking about History, excellent. Nice tangent. Thank you!

    It’s just amusing how the host says “twitter”

    Ahh, is BNP success down to the current government’s immigration policy . . . zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Jacky straw not looking so strong anymore. I’m Just saying. Saying “Yer but, no but” doesn’t sound good without an urban Bristol accent. I’m Just sayin. He can’t just say “yes” or “no” … at least Griffin is direct! The host along with Asian woman on panel takes Straw-man to task. He’s looking like a lechon baboy right now – everybody wants a piece!

    Ok, another beer . . .

    Around the 30 min mark the asian panelist starts to sound Scottish (here’s my proof ), but then goes back to Pakistani! Also, her poppy is huge. It really is. Her accent is ridiculous!

    On the youtube video that I linked to above (click it and watch it) at the 4:20 sort of moment, the black lady speaking with a sort of beige Jamaican accent couldn’t pronounce the word “Educated” properly. I mean, can you say Irony?

    You mean a black woman doesn’t like BNP? Stop the press!

    Anyway, black woman cringes at “Afro-Caribbean” . . . oh gosh . . . Afro-Caribbean is the accepted term; she’s got sand in her panties! African Caribbean, Afro-Caribbean . . . we all know they want to say Black.
    Angry black people? That’s not a stereotype!

    So far grif has kept his mouth shut, but it’s his time now . . .
    He said “Multicultural Experiment” . . . that’s epic. Epically idiotic!

    Newsflash: Griffin is an idiot. Crying racism “is it coz I is white”? He looks like he’s about to cry. People in the UK are racist towards him! Idiot! Now he’s got sand in his panties.
    Nick, people don’t hate ya coz you’re white, we hate you coz you’re an idiot!
    Nick’s just annoyed that white men can’t dance! I admit it. Griffin wouldn’t like a Gay Black Jew!

    At this point, I would just like to say that youtube hates me. I patiently wait for it to load up, I really do, then it makes me wait AGAIN … (I really am pulling my beautifully conditioned hair out)!

    Some sophomoric idiot calls Nick, Dick to a laugh. He wants to send Nick/Dick to the south pole. That’s mature.

    Black man in pinstripe suit looks like Lenny Henry … if he was a bit less good looking. Sorry!

    Jack Straw’s an immigrant *a number of generations back*? Get out you ALIEN! Only Joking!

    Asian Chick on panel really doesn’t like Jackie Straw! Sexual Tension? Maybe.

    What a jungle, again, I hear myself agreeing with Mr. Griffin.

    Host says: I didn’t want this to be all about the BNP … YOU lie sir… Of course you did! It’s the groundbreaking decision to let grifferz appear! Of COURSE it’s all about Griffin. Don’t be silly man. It's all about the ratings, ergo, it's all about the BNP and Nicky-boy!

    Back to the smiling Moroccan looking British woman with Islamic name I can’t pronounce or spell . . . talking about the gay dead boyzone gateley man.
    Black woman Bonnie Greer didn’t like an article written by some chick from the BNP. Well Duh!

    You mean the BNP is homophobic? Well, I could take the holocaust denial, the racism, the KKK alliances and the National Front connections, but, homophobia? Oh, NO! By the way, that was sarcastic!

    Sayeeda (asian lady on the panel) doesn’t like gays! Ooooh, the waves!
    Griffin himself didn’t like the article.

    Griffin thinks Homos are repulsive!
    The homos are shouting “why” and “rubbish” . . . (I could answer it, but grifs can’t)

    Griffin: As long as the gays do what they want behind locked doors and closed curtains, they’re cool, they’re pervs though to kiss in public. Hmmmm whatever sonnyboy.

    Jack Straw becomes extremely boring.

    Lesbo doesn’t like Griffin, she’s repulsed by him too, and she wants to look like a man. That last contention was mine, but no less true!

    Is this programme an early Christmas Party for the BNP? Hmm, my opinion is that Griffin looked like an idiot, so why would it be?!

    White South African lady has awful fashion sense!

    Griffin doesn’t like the BBC (that’s why he doesn’t pay his license fee)

    Jack is interesting again, although the audience need to shut their silly mouths and let the man talk! . . . yes. He’s right the BNP is a shambles, they’ve had a bad week. No-one likes them, apart from a few nut-jobs.

    That’s my roundup, sorry it was so long.
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    Respected Member ron's Avatar
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    James i agree with all you said here. Yet i do feel this was all a pre-planned setup to have a go at the BNP. It was sad that this guy really didnt have a chance with the audience or panel. Its worth watching again

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    Quote Originally Posted by ron View Post
    James i agree with all you said here. Yet i do feel this was all a pre-planned setup to have a go at the BNP. It was sad that this guy really didnt have a chance with the audience or panel. Its worth watching again
    Ya, of course it was a setup, but it's symbiotic really. Griffin needs some kind of publicity, and the BBC laps up the ratings . . . so it's basically both of them drinking from a polluted well (not a river of blood)!

  4. #4
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    That was a cracker in the audience. I roared with laughter when he said it. Young asian man said "I am British, I work here, I born here, where you going to send me?" Griffin reply "oh,its okay for you to stay" "If you want to send me back to where I come from, I know if you had a whip round in this audience, we get you a ticket to the south pole, its white, and non coloured and it would suit your kind"
    It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.

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    Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
    That was a cracker in the audience. I roared with laughter when he said it. Young asian man said "I am British, I work here, I born here, where you going to send me?" Griffin reply "oh,its okay for you to stay" "If you want to send me back to where I come from, I know if you had a whip round in this audience, we get you a ticket to the south pole, its white, and non coloured and it would suit your kind"
    Frankly the last bit was just stupid about going to the south pole . . .

    Wanna see another picture of Nicky G?
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    Seems Mr Griffin proved himself a complete idiot on Question Time, and people will accordingly avoid voting for his odious party at the next election. Its good the BBC has finally exposed Nick and his party of clowns for what they really are.

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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    Seems Mr Griffin proved himself a complete idiot on Question Time, and people will accordingly avoid voting for his odious party at the next election. Its good the BBC has finally exposed Nick and his party of clowns for what they really are.
    And for that reason - I am happy that the BBC allowed him to appear despite protests!

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    I`m sure the BNP will actually be gaining support. I for one don`t agree with their racism but theres alot of people that do especially up north.
    As for their other policies,well if they wernt so extreme i`m sure they would have more support too.
    Don`t be surprised if they mellow a bit to gain more support in the future.
    The protesters played right into their hands and would have been better to stay away and not give them the publicity.
    If, on QT they had gotten away from Griffin and talked about the Post Office strike and other current affairs like MP`s expenses then he wouldnt have had the whole prog to himself!
    Whilst we are aware of this governments attitude towards immigration, i`m not sure anybody know what the Tories will do when they are in power.
    I think that could be the one major policy in most peoples minds come the general election.

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    Quote Originally Posted by adam&chryss View Post
    i`m not sure anybody know what the Tories will do when they are in power.
    i think it will become even more difficult for non Europeans to come to the UK if the Tories get it, Cameron has just said he will not hold a referendum on Lisbon, after differing for a while.

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    Quote Originally Posted by James Hubbard View Post
    And for that reason - I am happy that the BBC allowed him to appear despite protests!

    The problem with some of our dear leaders is that they think we are too stupid to see through the bull and see a nasty, racist bigot when we see one! In fact, lets go one further and have a weekly slot for Mr Griffin.. His own party would soon get rid of him!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post

    The problem with some of our dear leaders is that they think we are too stupid to see through the bull and see a nasty, racist bigot when we see one! In fact, lets go one further and have a weekly slot for Mr Griffin.. His own party would soon get rid of him!

    Although, it could be said that the type of people who support the BNP are so ignorant that they don't see through all the BS!

  12. #12
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    Anyone of the older generation met some South Africans?
    It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.

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    I really despair of this country sometimes.

    Following Nazi Nick appearance on TV, Peter Hain, member of the Brown cabinet said "Told you so, na na"

    So, tell me, Peter Hain, how does YOUR party intend to connect with the voters on the issues that really matter? Your party still has until May/June next to year to produce the goods...we are waiting.

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    (I am British. I live in Spain with my Filipina wife)

    There is a problem of immigration in the UK, which is not being addressed by the main political parties. For that reason I believe many are looking at the BNP for help and for a voice.

    If the main parties get of the stupid PC bandwagon and start discussing the problems openly and start doing something about them, the BNP will be left with almost no support. If they don’t the BNP will a party to be reckoned with after the next election.

    In Spain if a Brit gets in trouble with the law the vast majority of Brits support the official action. They do not start marching to ‘defend that persons rights’ just because he/she is a Brit.

    I would expect the same action from minorities in the UK, unfortunately it appears from the media that whenever a person from a minority gets into trouble there are claims that the authorities are being racist and marches are organised. For example. When Jean Charles de Menezes was shot at Stockwell, the fact that he was Brazilian had nothing to do with the rights or wrongs of the police action but immediate his nationality became a substantial part of the media cover.

    When every Brit, whatever there origin, accepts they are British first and supports the actions of the authorities, regardless of that person's origin, they are more likely to be accepted by all as being British. Whilst they continue to marginalise themselves they cannot expect to be ‘accepted.’

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    Didn't watch it live but read the transcript and heard from plenty of people who did watch it watch plenty of highlights. The biggest point was made by many firstly why treat him so differently? As I have said on here before dont make something dangrous,daring and radical your attract more people to them and in particular young voters and those of the future.
    Why was the same topics go over and over why not show them up by asking them about the rountine policys a politcal party need to deal with?
    Some times its better to attack via the side rather than front on where the person is expecting the attack

    The scary thing is if they change their leader/ship for someone god forbid people who can debate and think quicker on their feet he could have ripped apart Jack straw (his comments on his consituents) and Baroness warsi (who is unelected and has in the past release some election leaflets which are not full of love for all)

    If more people are attracted to them and by bad luck they get some good debaters with a warped high intellect. If they are then invited on to question time as the BBC say they would have to, I could see if the standard of the debaters on the show on Thursday were opposite them then being ripped apart and it would be truely worrying times in the UK

    One thing that was highlighted is the BBC and the Medias big problem on bigotry, although many white people do have views about other groups which are not always full of love so do many non whites. But they shy away from it. If the BNP seize on this and back it up with fact then we may have alsorts of problems if they start to devide communities.
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    A point raised by the BNP in the BBC prog was regarding the Met Police Black Police Association. I just looked it up on the web.

    The BNP just had a court ruling about its conditions of membership being illegal as it is restricted to White people only.

    Is it surprising that there is conflict in UK when the Met Police black Association is legal ? Its conditions of membership are:-


    Membership to the Association is available to all black staff employed by the Metropolitan Police Service.
    There are three categories of membership available:

    Full Membership

    Full membership is open to all serving (black) police officers and (black) police staff directly employed by the MPS or the Metropolitan Police Authority who meets the criteria set out in the constitution of the Association.

    Associate Membership

    Associate membership is open to all serving (black) police officers and (Black) police staff directly employed by a constabulary or police authority within the UK, who are not part of the Metropolitan Police Service, and (Black) police staff employed by outsourced contractors whose main role is to support the Metropolitan Police Service.

    Friends Membership

    Support from the community is critical to our success and therefore we welcome supporter as friends under a special Friends membership. For further details, please email

    (NB the Italic word Black was added by me to make it clear, as per the first condition)

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    A point raised by the BNP in the BBC prog was regarding the Met Police Black Police Association. I just looked it up on the web.

    The BNP just had a court ruling about its conditions of membership being illegal as it is restricted to White people only.

    Is it surprising that there is conflict in UK when the Met Police black Association is legal, when its conditions of membership are:-

    Membership to the Association is available to all black staff employed by the Metropolitan Police Service. There are three categories of membership available:

    Full Membership
    Full membership is open to all serving police officers and police staff directly employed by the MPS or the Metropolitan Police Authority who meets the criteria set out in the constitution of the Association.

    Associate Membership
    Associate membership is open to all serving police officers and police staff directly employed by a constabulary or police authority within the UK, who are not part of the Metropolitan Police Service, and police staff employed by outsourced contractors whose main role is to support the Metropolitan Police Service.

    Friends Membership
    Support from the community is critical to our success and therefore we welcome supporter as friends under a special Friends membership. For further details, please email
    Hopefully the non white Officers of the Met soon feel they dont need a group like that soon. But with the court case involving officers from Paddington Green prehaps they still feel the need?

    Having visited many Central London Police stations and the offices contained with in them im amazed how "White" they are.
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    somebody;185730]Hopefully the non white Officers of the Met soon feel they dont need a group like that soon. But with the court case involving officers from Paddington Green prehaps they still feel the need?

    Sorry I did not quite understand that comment.

    But I do know that shortly after the Black Police, The Gay, and the Lesbian association were permitted ta couple of white officers asked if they could form a white police officers association. They were told that would be illegal and if they tried to do so they would be prosecuted . Funny old world !

    Having visited many Central London Police stations and the offices contained with in them im amazed how "White" they are.

    If that means you are surprised how few non white officers there are, the answer is simple, they don't apply and in the 1970's, I know, when they were encouraged to do so, even when they were allowed to join without the same level of education demanded from white applicants, few did and very few made the grade, even with substantial help.

    Others would not join because of the response black officers get from the black community.

    Its not an easy problem to solve.

    The Police really want more non white officers, somewhere around the national average, so they can show they are being fair to all. It might save them a lot of stick !

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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    Sorry I did not quite understand that comment.

    But I do know that shortly after the Black Police, The Gay, and the Lesbian association were permitted ta couple of white officers asked if they could form a white police officers association. They were told that would be illegal and if they tried to do so they would be prosecuted . Funny old world !

    Seems still at least a few in the police force have views which I'm hoping you agree should not be in the Met Police force?

    Having on Business visited many Police Stations well more the large Offices which many as you will know they have attached to some of them(I have ID passes for both Met and Surrey Police forces so can stroll round them with no one accompanying me)

    I have noticed the Met seems to have very high ratios of white staff. Far higher than all the other offices and workplaces I visit in the areas the Met Police and these offices serve.

    Possibly the non whites still feel intimdated?
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post

    I have noticed the Met seems to have very high ratios of white staff. Far higher than all the other offices and workplaces I visit in the areas the Met Police and these offices serve.

    Possibly the non whites still feel intimdated?

    Sorry I was writing and editing when your post was made, so please see my last post

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    We don't need the BNP, we don't need far right political groups. We do need equality, equal rights for all and no special concessions for minorities. Integration and equality will resolve so much resentment overnight.

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    Personally I don`t understand this obsession some people have with us having to be "multi-cultural".
    Why do we have to be like that?
    There`s an advert on TV for bread or something where a young boy runs through different periods like the war and stuff.
    At one point he passes through a street party for either the coronation or silver jubilee I guess.
    How many streets in the UK would have a similar party now?
    How many people would be offended by us celebrating?
    The shame of having our own countries flag on display.
    Those are the people that annoy me and many others.
    I couldnt care less about peoples colour but any person that thinks they can dictate what we should do is not welcome in my country as far as i`m concerned. And as I said that wether they are white,black,asian or whatever.
    I would add that i`ve never heard anything negative about Filipinos from anyone in my area.

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    Quote Originally Posted by adam&chryss View Post
    Personally I don`t understand this obsession some people have with us having to be "multi-cultural".
    Why do we have to be like that?
    There`s an advert on TV for bread or something where a young boy runs through different periods like the war and stuff.
    At one point he passes through a street party for either the coronation or silver jubilee I guess.
    How many streets in the UK would have a similar party now?
    How many people would be offended by us celebrating?
    The shame of having our own countries flag on display.
    Those are the people that annoy me and many others.
    I couldnt care less about peoples colour but any person that thinks they can dictate what we should do is not welcome in my country as far as i`m concerned. And as I said that wether they are white,black,asian or whatever.
    I would add that i`ve never heard anything negative about Filipinos from anyone in my area.
    Sounds spot on in my estimation.

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    Multi-Culturalism is (IMHO) an experiment in social engineering! The idea that we could all live side by side in different communities, speaking different languages, practicing different Religions, etc.. But through all of that, we expect people to just get on with life and love thy neighour!

    And so far it has neither failed or worked as an experiment. There is no open warfare on the street, but there is also no community cohesion on the streets of the UK today! We live in a state of apathy, people will walk on by if the see a stranger getting attacked, happy with the knowledge that it isn't them. The BNP will go through their canvassing areas without any opposition at all! And I am talking about real opposition, the kind that drives people on the opposite side of the political fence to canvass in those same areas and listen to what people tell them. Instead we have a bunch of people who scream and shout and decry anything to the right of the Tories as Nazism... Not exactly helping either..

    The so called opposite to the BNP, the Respect Party. Shuns Gay and Lesbian people out of respect for the Muslim community.. Hardly progressive! And the three big parties tend to tut tut at everyone, whilst appealing to less and less of the population. It is no wonder the BNP has made gains.

    What we need is someone to come along. A UK Barack Obama! Regardless of their race, sex, religion.. Someone who will speak out and reach even the most disenfranchised out there.. We need to kick this country up the back side!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    Multi-Culturalism is (IMHO) an experiment in social engineering!

    And so far it has neither failed or worked as an experiment. There is no open warfare on the street, but there is also no community cohesion on the streets of the UK today! We live in a state of apathy, people will walk on by if the see a stranger getting attacked, happy with the knowledge that it isn't them

    We need to kick this country up the back side!!
    Too right brother!

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    The party in the bread advert, was to celebrate the 2nd world war victory, either VE Day (Victory in Europe 8th May 1945) or VJ (Victory in Japan August 45). On both days there were street parties throughout UK

    I was in the school system from 1945 until 1956. I remember one Greek boy in primary school and one dark skinned boy in an upper year in senior school. I lived in Brixton.

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    While im happy for people to want to conform more with how the British live. Should we not forget many of the Filipinos on here would be practising a religion many in the country would claim was anti British?

    Should they convert to the Church of England? I dont think anyone would want them to and like many on here propose its all about balance.

    While we are all happy to have Filipino Shops, cafes and resturants, im sure many other groups want to eat the food they grew up with as well.

    Its all about balance. Im happy to celebrate diwali by sharing foods which are brought in by Skih and hindu co workers who we share Christmas foods with and the Muslims bring in foods on Ede.
    No one imposes their (at the moment anyway) belives or thoughts on others.

    The British Isles have asborbed people from many different backgrounds and relgions. While they may speak funny languages, or pray to other gods eat funny food.

    Things do seem to have gone wrong in the last ten to twenty years things can be changed. The NOTW which I bought today for a voucher it had in it had some words and a tone which didn't surprise me on the subject.

    One thing the News international paper is they do gauge the tone of a lot of people and from experience not always just White working class blokes.

    Many working class Asians, Blacks also buy and read I notice.

    Hopefully the Reds and the Blues will take on board and start to make the simple changes which mean all can live in a safe, tolerant British community.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    While im happy for people to want to conform more with how the British live. Should we not forget many of the Filipinos on here would be practising a religion many in the country would claim was anti British?

    Should they convert to the Church of England? I dont think anyone would want them to and like many on here propose its all about balance.

    While we are all happy to have Filipino Shops, cafes and resturants, im sure many other groups want to eat the food they grew up with as well.

    Its all about balance. Im happy to celebrate diwali by sharing foods which are brought in by Skih and hindu co workers who we share Christmas foods with and the Muslims bring in foods on Ede.
    No one imposes their (at the moment anyway) belives or thoughts on others.

    The British Isles have asborbed people from many different backgrounds and relgions. While they may speak funny languages, or pray to other gods eat funny food.

    Things do seem to have gone wrong in the last ten to twenty years things can be changed. The NOTW which I bought today for a voucher it had in it had some words and a tone which didn't surprise me on the subject.

    One thing the News international paper is they do gauge the tone of a lot of people and from experience not always just White working class blokes.

    Many working class Asians, Blacks also buy and read I notice.

    Hopefully the Reds and the Blues will take on board and start to make the simple changes which mean all can live in a safe, tolerant British community.
    Excellent post!

    I think we can all agree that we have problems. Otherwise the BNP would be a bunch of losers sitting in some grubby pub talking to themselves (which they still are, but now they have gotten better at their game and got a lot more voters in return).

    Everyone talks about values! British Values!

    And does anybody know what British values are? No, not really. Because without a constitution and a state constantly in flux. Those values are changing with each generation. At least in the US they have Free Speech enshrined in law, the freedom of Religion enshrined in law (the only country I can think of that is by law without any religion). We need more of that! Instead of successive governments trying to reduce our rights more and more.

    Why should a Muslim or a Jew or a Catholic pay taxes that goes to prop up the Church of England? And wasn't the church of England founded on the morals of a Man who treated women as pets, to be disposed of at will?

    I would love to see a true Multi Cultural Britain where religion is not state run and religious schools get banned. They are an imbalance on education! Where there is an official language but people are allowed to speak whichever tongue they wish in their own community. But for business it must be in English (If the Chinese can do it with Mandarin and the Filipino's with Tagalog, we should do the same with English).

    Who on this forum would deny they love a good curry? A good Chinese meal? A good Italian meal? Who likes Reggae music? The vast wealth of "stuff" we get from Multi Culturalism is amazing, with only a few problems arising.

    The Salman Rushdie affair brought to light a serious problem in this country. Not those who protested against the book! Let people get upset if a book slanders or pokes fun at their religion. No, the problem was that the Government, the liberal elite. All of them criticized the author and not the people calling for his death. Likewise, Geert Wilders was criticized and banned from these shores. But those calling for his death are given little criticism. When did Dan Brown get a death sentence for his books? A lot of people didn't like them. The Vatican have criticized him, but we would never stand by and allow a priest to call for his death! Why give one group of people room to demand violence without criticizing them, much less condemning them!

    Respect is the one thing we lack in this country. Respect for the rights of the person! The only party I heard saying stuff about Respect was the so called "Respect party"! A rebranded, repackaged socialist political group designed to get support from one group of people whilst upsetting another group of people (A Respect rally was awash with signs saying we are all Hamas now - a terrorist group dedicated to destroy all Jews), and ignoring another group of people (Gays and Lesbian issues were ignored in order to draw more support from Muslim areas)! Funny how they miss the point of their name...

    Anyway.... I've forgotten where I was going with this! Ahh, yes.. The BNP!

    Right... There is a divide in this country that no serious politician is addressing. There are generations of people who are left out of this country and the so called riches of this nation. They do not vote as they see the world of politics as a world of criminals. They do not care about anything except what they see in their street. And shockingly, they are more and more giving up on life itself. Wishing nothing more than a council flat with a TV and the odd trip to ASDA for a cheap beer at the weekend. Women are having Children knowing money will come from Benefits and are stuck in a position where if they do work, they lose money..

    Children are growing up without wanting to better themselves. Read books, take up sports, take up the arts.. The lost generation is growing! Some politicians are seriously suggesting we need more immigrants to pay the taxes that these people will need to benefit from!

    And the BNP grows because of the state of apathy!

    I will never vote for the BNP because they stand against so much I hold dear. Yet, I will never seek to silence them. To defeat them we need to get back into those estates and try to fix the real problems, the real breakdown in society.

    But I think it is too much work to do for any politician to accomplish, or am I just too cynical...

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post

    Who on this forum would deny they love a good curry? A good Chinese meal? A good Italian meal? Who likes Reggae music? The vast wealth of "stuff" we get from Multi Culturalism is amazing, with only a few problems arising.
    I got the answer

    let the indians and pakistanis come if they'll agree only to work as curry house owners/attendants/cooks

    let the italians come if they only make us delicious pizza and pasta

    let da jamaican dem come inna da UK only if they'll help us rock out and no more


    note, this post was a joke, i'm not racist, and i have, in fact, got jamaican family, but I do love pizzas and curry! I can't wait to taste proper curry again

  30. #30
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    Jan 2009
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Hubbard View Post
    I got the answer

    let the indians and pakistanis come if they'll agree only to work as curry house owners/attendants/cooks

    let the italians come if they only make us delicious pizza and pasta

    let da jamaican dem come inna da UK only if they'll help us rock out and no more


    note, this post was a joke, i'm not racist, and i have, in fact, got jamaican family, but I do love pizzas and curry! I can't wait to taste proper curry again

    Yeeeaah Moaaan...

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