Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
At present this is an emotive subject. I think people are simply looking for someone to blame, and this was rightly pointed out by Question Time panelists last night. Whenever the far right get an issue, it is always someones fault, when my dad was young, it was the blacks, then it was the Pakis, now it is Muslim faith fault. NEVER EVER listen to it.

After all we fought together in the war against a common evil of fascism. You Filipino ancestors fought side by side with the allies in the war against the Japanese.

They probably feel immigrants are getting houses before them. So they want to point the finger and blame.As for benefits being affected, this is misinformed. Do immigrants claim benefits? Indirectly perhaps. They are talking about housing benefits and getting the rent paid for them, or perhaps they feel some gain they are not getting. Always about "Wheres my share?"

The real truth is. They should be having a go at the bankers. I have no idea why immigrants who wish to make life better for loved ones should get the blame for less money when bankers get paid millions. No one can justify that. What do you think?

Remember the BNP's Mr Griffin was so stupid about his history he said only indigenous people should be allowed to stay. Those people that have been here for 17,000 years. It was pointed out to him that noone was here during that time, because there was an Ice Age, and the people traveled to the UK when the ice melted. Noone can be proven to be indigenous people. His argument were disingenuous, he looked flustered, stressed, and kept changing his mind about his beliefs. Were you quoted as saying that? No I never said that. The papers always lie about everything I said. Well you can't argue with video evidence-on Youtube, you said that standing next to a Klu Klux Klan member. Oh they are a non violent organisation he says smirking.

In the end, he made a complete an utter fool of himself. The British public are not stupid and you should understand we are just sick of the corrupt MPs at the present and want them to get their fingers out to fix things.
Good post G2J!
Months ago,I watched about British Ancestors from thousand years ago. I forgot what they called them. They were not white, big ears, big face.

Our ancestors, fought with Japanese as well as Spaniards because it's our own country and they didn't treat us well. Spanish called us Indio and did something against our country. Japanese as well.

But this times, we treat foreigners something special.
No more wars and we always declare love.