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    BNP on question time.

    I said earlier I would opine on QT with Nick Griffin once I had seen it. I have seen it now, and I hope this is the right place to put it!

    so . . . here goes . .. (it's my thoughts off the cuff)

    My thoughts on Nick Griffin’s appearance on Question Time!

    It’s the Nick Griffin show!

    It’s all about Nicky boy, it seems that there’s nothing else!

    Black man at the front of the crowd got very angry – Griffin loved that because he’s a … stirrer.

    At this point, I don’t understand – Nicky boy is in politics . . . but politics is all about collecting people – so you can get into power! I don’t get it! People hate the man, so does that make him a failure in politics?

    The way the host said “Youtube” is funny!

    A non violent KKK? The American black lady didn’t like that one. Don’t even go there hitler . . . Griffin!

    The host doesn’t know the difference between brown and green pullovers.

    OK, answering jew boy Griffs looks like a real idiot, nuff said.
    So far Jack Straw is looking strong.

    When all the other panelists teamed up on griffin, I just thought “BURN” he got roasted.

    Tariq Ali wants to know why islam is a “wicked and vicious faith” . . . well, Mr Ali, I can answer that one for you – I have pressed pause, so I don’t know what Griffers is gonna say, but …

    Inbreeding, marrying your cousins, proclaiming death to all unbelievers, quaranic permission to beat your wife, honour killings, female genital mutilation . . . hmmm, want more Mr Ali?

    Ok, unpause now so I can hear what grifster has to say (let me get another beer first)

    Ahhh, nice beer na beer, tastes good . . . so . . . Back and unpause …

    Ok, so far, I agree with everything Mr Griffin has to say about Islam. It’s cruel and wicked. The audience like it too . . .he gets scattered applause.
    Ok, so what’s his policy for islam? A truce with islam, let the muslims run their own countries, if they come here they can be british …
    I’m all for it no complaints there!

    OMG, I’m agreeing with griffin!!! It’s ok, I’m sure he’ll say something nasty soon and normal programming will be resumed!
    Although, the idea that Britain always has been a Christian country . . . hmm, not too sure about that now.

    Asian lady on panel, British but speaks with faintly Pakistani accent! I will never understand that, although I do know why – lack of integration with rest of society . . . let’s integrate! I’m sure griffin probably enjoys ebony night on the playboy channel anyway . . . and he’s a repressed homosexual.

    Brummy fella in suit (always gonna look shady) sounding like “blessbooks” asking Nickers about if he’s travelled around the world . . . woteva.

    Bangladeshi fella wants to talk theology and eschatology . . . a muslim and a politician discussing eschatological theology? No thank you. Ok, history chick starts talking about History, excellent. Nice tangent. Thank you!

    It’s just amusing how the host says “twitter”

    Ahh, is BNP success down to the current government’s immigration policy . . . zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Jacky straw not looking so strong anymore. I’m Just saying. Saying “Yer but, no but” doesn’t sound good without an urban Bristol accent. I’m Just sayin. He can’t just say “yes” or “no” … at least Griffin is direct! The host along with Asian woman on panel takes Straw-man to task. He’s looking like a lechon baboy right now – everybody wants a piece!

    Ok, another beer . . .

    Around the 30 min mark the asian panelist starts to sound Scottish (here’s my proof ), but then goes back to Pakistani! Also, her poppy is huge. It really is. Her accent is ridiculous!

    On the youtube video that I linked to above (click it and watch it) at the 4:20 sort of moment, the black lady speaking with a sort of beige Jamaican accent couldn’t pronounce the word “Educated” properly. I mean, can you say Irony?

    You mean a black woman doesn’t like BNP? Stop the press!

    Anyway, black woman cringes at “Afro-Caribbean” . . . oh gosh . . . Afro-Caribbean is the accepted term; she’s got sand in her panties! African Caribbean, Afro-Caribbean . . . we all know they want to say Black.
    Angry black people? That’s not a stereotype!

    So far grif has kept his mouth shut, but it’s his time now . . .
    He said “Multicultural Experiment” . . . that’s epic. Epically idiotic!

    Newsflash: Griffin is an idiot. Crying racism “is it coz I is white”? He looks like he’s about to cry. People in the UK are racist towards him! Idiot! Now he’s got sand in his panties.
    Nick, people don’t hate ya coz you’re white, we hate you coz you’re an idiot!
    Nick’s just annoyed that white men can’t dance! I admit it. Griffin wouldn’t like a Gay Black Jew!

    At this point, I would just like to say that youtube hates me. I patiently wait for it to load up, I really do, then it makes me wait AGAIN … (I really am pulling my beautifully conditioned hair out)!

    Some sophomoric idiot calls Nick, Dick to a laugh. He wants to send Nick/Dick to the south pole. That’s mature.

    Black man in pinstripe suit looks like Lenny Henry … if he was a bit less good looking. Sorry!

    Jack Straw’s an immigrant *a number of generations back*? Get out you ALIEN! Only Joking!

    Asian Chick on panel really doesn’t like Jackie Straw! Sexual Tension? Maybe.

    What a jungle, again, I hear myself agreeing with Mr. Griffin.

    Host says: I didn’t want this to be all about the BNP … YOU lie sir… Of course you did! It’s the groundbreaking decision to let grifferz appear! Of COURSE it’s all about Griffin. Don’t be silly man. It's all about the ratings, ergo, it's all about the BNP and Nicky-boy!

    Back to the smiling Moroccan looking British woman with Islamic name I can’t pronounce or spell . . . talking about the gay dead boyzone gateley man.
    Black woman Bonnie Greer didn’t like an article written by some chick from the BNP. Well Duh!

    You mean the BNP is homophobic? Well, I could take the holocaust denial, the racism, the KKK alliances and the National Front connections, but, homophobia? Oh, NO! By the way, that was sarcastic!

    Sayeeda (asian lady on the panel) doesn’t like gays! Ooooh, the waves!
    Griffin himself didn’t like the article.

    Griffin thinks Homos are repulsive!
    The homos are shouting “why” and “rubbish” . . . (I could answer it, but grifs can’t)

    Griffin: As long as the gays do what they want behind locked doors and closed curtains, they’re cool, they’re pervs though to kiss in public. Hmmmm whatever sonnyboy.

    Jack Straw becomes extremely boring.

    Lesbo doesn’t like Griffin, she’s repulsed by him too, and she wants to look like a man. That last contention was mine, but no less true!

    Is this programme an early Christmas Party for the BNP? Hmm, my opinion is that Griffin looked like an idiot, so why would it be?!

    White South African lady has awful fashion sense!

    Griffin doesn’t like the BBC (that’s why he doesn’t pay his license fee)

    Jack is interesting again, although the audience need to shut their silly mouths and let the man talk! . . . yes. He’s right the BNP is a shambles, they’ve had a bad week. No-one likes them, apart from a few nut-jobs.

    That’s my roundup, sorry it was so long.
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