Multi-Culturalism is (IMHO) an experiment in social engineering! The idea that we could all live side by side in different communities, speaking different languages, practicing different Religions, etc.. But through all of that, we expect people to just get on with life and love thy neighour!

And so far it has neither failed or worked as an experiment. There is no open warfare on the street, but there is also no community cohesion on the streets of the UK today! We live in a state of apathy, people will walk on by if the see a stranger getting attacked, happy with the knowledge that it isn't them. The BNP will go through their canvassing areas without any opposition at all! And I am talking about real opposition, the kind that drives people on the opposite side of the political fence to canvass in those same areas and listen to what people tell them. Instead we have a bunch of people who scream and shout and decry anything to the right of the Tories as Nazism... Not exactly helping either..

The so called opposite to the BNP, the Respect Party. Shuns Gay and Lesbian people out of respect for the Muslim community.. Hardly progressive! And the three big parties tend to tut tut at everyone, whilst appealing to less and less of the population. It is no wonder the BNP has made gains.

What we need is someone to come along. A UK Barack Obama! Regardless of their race, sex, religion.. Someone who will speak out and reach even the most disenfranchised out there.. We need to kick this country up the back side!!