Quote Originally Posted by schuey View Post
hi everyone,i hope someone can help me,im on income surport here in the uk,i have a Filipino girlfriend over there, we met online and have been in touch now for a year,would she be able to get a visiters visa even though im on income surport,to come visit me, and if she did and we got married here would she be able to stay with me and apply for a settlement visa,i have my own flat which is paid by income surport,just need some advice really,thanks
I'm on that too. The rule says one thing "without recourse to public funds" so she has to have a sponsor who can provide for her without using dole money. Just the rules. Or we would have everyone on the dole bring people over here.

Get a job and save up at least £3000 for a settlement visa. You have to act as her sponsor and provide for her. At present until I get job

Read this site here for more information.
